Ya have any kids?



Staff member
Sep 11, 2006
Chester County, PA
The Marcellus shale debate rages on and on. I have no doubt some sort of accident is possible and very probable with the process. While I know the MS is well below the water table, an accident can allow frac fluid to leech into the water table and contaminate wells in the area and end up polluting the streams and rivers in the watershed. The same for the natural gas itself, which is under great pressure and is likely to find it’s way to the surface. Further drawing millions of gallons of water from our streams and rivers, and having no good place or way to treat the frac fluid before releasing it into our streams can’t be a good thing, IMO. Worst of all, there’s no way to reverse the effects of an accident once it happens……….the genie is let out of the bottle.

But putting all that aside, if you can, the State of Pennsylvania, especially the northern half, is blessed with beautiful mountains, woods and waters. It is a shame to see the landscape marred with newly constructed roads through our forests and over our streams, and drilling platforms, pipelines, compressor stations littering the landscape. Rural life for folks up there is no longer so rural.

Also, most distressing is the State owned lands that should be put aside and preserved for future generations and not be developed or used for commercial purposes are being exploited by the gas companies and other industries.

Those that came before us would to shocked to see what our Penns woods, waters and mountains are turning into, and those that come after us will have little left to admire….IMHO.
once again, I'll post this, it is from our state constitution. you can draw your own conclusions. I already have mine.

Natural Resources and the Public Estate
Section 27.
The people have a right to clean air, pure water, and to the preservation of the natural, scenic, historic and esthetic values of the environment. Pennsylvania's public natural resources are the common property of all the people, including generations yet to come. As trustee of these resources, the Commonwealth shall conserve and maintain them for the benefit of all the people.