Xmas Garland Tinsel



Aug 25, 2014
While shopping for Xmas, I came across a certain Garland Tinsel intermingled with a green and pearl flashabou that is the same for flashback fly patterns. Went home to try it out and compared it to find that it works just as good and for a better price. Any other xmas materials out there that you guys find useful for certain fly patterns?
Pine needles from my Christmas tree for Brookie flies.
I take the blocks of cheese out of gift baskets and use it to catch lightning troots.
Shattered dreams of children who didn't get what they want from Santa.
I'll bet you were hoping for a straight answer... I've not found anything Xmas specific but I do find things of that nature in craft stores a lot.
I used to save Christmas tinsel, Easter basket grass, etc. I never really tied with it much. Seems like it was more trouble than it was worth. But if your inspired by it then nothing wrong with it at all.
When I first started tying, my father-in-law gave me a box of materials he had including a 16 or so inch piece of deep red wool yarn he got from his mother-in-law. I kept it having no idea why. 15 years later I was making some iso dubbing with muskrat and I grabbed the yarn and clipped up a bit to add. It makes the most perfect shade of purple grey, and I can't find yarn of that color anywhere. The moral is you just never know what will work.