Wrapping hackle behind wings



Dec 25, 2006
Is there a benefit to having more or fewer hackle wraps behind the wing on drys as opposed to in front of it? I normally have more wraps in front than behind, not sure if thats right or not, or wether it even matters.
The way your doing it is correct per a few reference books I have read when first starting out. I believe 2 wraps behind the wing and 3 wraps in front is the general rule.
adams is 2 behind 3 in front for each feather or 4 and 6 for one color normally i go 3 behind and 4-5 in front but that all depends on the quality of the hackle
It kinda depends on how close the wings end up being tied in behind the eye. If they wind up closer to it than I really want, I'll put more wraps behind the wing. You don't want to crowd the eye.

Typically, I try to place my wings about one third of the shank length behind the eye. Then I tie 1-2 wraps behind the wing, and 3-4 wraps in front. With less wraps on smaller flys.