Woven stone flies



Active member
Sep 20, 2006
Doylestown Pa.
Here are some woven stone flies ,I was playing around with different colors


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Care to share the technique? They look killer for steel.
Beadhead, I envy your tying ability! Those are MORE great looking flys. Keep up the good work!




I've seen those links before for woven flies. I've never really been interested in learning to do that. My flies take me long enough to tie, and usually if I'm intent on fishing a good looking fly, it gets added to the decorations in the trees. So adding the extra time to learn to weave just doesn't interest me.

I do however think that beadheads technique is different than those links. He has 3 colors in the bodies of some of those, and the weave is a different pattern. I would be interested in seeing how they are done. I also agree that they would be good for steel. I love blue for steelies!
ryguyfi wrote:
I've seen those links before for woven flies. I've never really been interested in learning to do that. My flies take me long enough to tie, and usually if I'm intent on fishing a good looking fly, it gets added to the decorations in the trees. So adding the extra time to learn to weave just doesn't interest me.


Actually me too! I don't spend a lot of time messing with weaving when I just can use a permanent marker and can usually create the same effect on my fly in a few seconds.
I use a permanent marker too, but have been using twisted "woven" chenille bodies for my streamers lately. It gives a nice look, and I can turn a slumpbuster into a sculpin, baby brown, baby brookie, etc pretty easily.

I've got nothing better to do lately, so tying some more complicated stuff is nice now and then.
The tying technique is called the Chequer weave it is in Oliver Edwards DVD
Copies are available ,pm me if interested
I forgot to tell you I use Ultra Chenille for weaving the body
Yes Oliver Edwards uses that technique I think I lent Jayl the DVD :) if not I have it here if you wanna borrow it mate :)
Noticed that when beadhead mentioned the name of the dvd. I didn't watch it yet, but certainly will now.

Give me a call when you wanna fish. :)