Wounded Warriors Event - Sept 27 to 29



Active member
Jun 29, 2011
I belong to a rod and gun club called Fox Gap Rod and Gun Club. We are on a hundred acre property located just outside Rebersburg, PA in Centre County. We have been in existence since 2007. If you didn’t know, I guess you now know where my ID came from. I am the treasurer and 6 other PAFF-ers are also members of this club. Last September we hosted a small group of “Wounded Warriors” with their wife or girlfriend for a weekend of on property hunting, fishing and trap shooting. The event was so successful that other area clubs and businesses have joined with us to expand from 3 guest couples last year to an estimated 10 this year. Those organizations are donating food, drink, facilities and staff to help make this event even more successful. This year with the expanded guest list we realized that on property pond fishing would be too small so we plan to also go off property to local streams. If anyone would like to donate anything fishing related (rod’s, reel’s, flies, etc) to be used for this event or to be given to the participants, please contact me via PM to arrange things.

We can never repay our veterans for their service but we can hopefully give them a weekend to remember.


PS. Mods if I put this thread in the wrong forum, please fell free to move it. Thanks