Worst fly tying material ever



Jan 22, 2007
While looking for a cheap way to hackle flies, I was directed to a product called pseudo hackle. You can check it out here

Link To Cabelas Psuedo Hackle

Unfortunately, the part of the ribbon that would be the quill of the feather is too thick; it completely covers the material you are hackling over. Also, it is almost impossible to get it to stand up.

I suppose it could be useful for large (e.g. 6 on up) buggers and such, but it is completely useless for dry flies. IMHO.
It doesn't appear from the ad that it was ever meant for dries. Doesn't look like it would stand up. I would have never expected it to work for dries. Looks like it would be ok for what it shows in the picture though. Considering you only get 4yds from a pack for 4.50, a better deal would be Hoffman's 100's for dry fly hackle anyway.
I found out a long time ago that bargain bins and short cuts cost more in the long run.

Joe E
Tom - I'm new to tying, heance the mistake. Still, the package says it can be used on "everything from small nymphs to large spey or saltwater flies." I couldn't get a good result on a #10 wooly bugger with a peacock herl body.
I'm just sayin'....

But if you are getting ready to do some dries...get those Hoffman's 100's. I'm always leery of "new" materials. Joe E makes a good point.
But if you are getting ready to do some dries...get those Hoffman's 100's.

And remember....the 100s are noted for being marked as a size bigger than what they actually are. They are also getting a little scarce and I'm buying up closeouts at $6.50 a pack. Some out of the way fly shops are still selling them at $11.

Some have told me that Whiting is phasing out the 100s and coming out with a new line. Don't know if it's true or not.
A good deal I have found for typing dries are Whitings saddles. You can get a really good quality saddle for 1/3 of the price a cape would cost and you can still get alot of useful sizes out of it. I bought a grizzly for tying dries and it has really worked out well for me.
Here's an interesting concept that would be of real value to folks that have limited budgets and would like to get a good assortment of quality hackle for the least amount of money.
