Wooly Wooly Bugger


Active member
Jun 3, 2019
I was tying some rabbit streamers and switched to make a couple bass bugger type stuff to toss around up near the Clarion on a camping trip with friends this weekend when I think I may have stumbled onto something. I used marabou ish type stuff down at the bottom to make a d loop collar as well as made a more rigid tail with schlappen around it. The result is something that looks pretty baitfishy and should push water fairly well. All "junk" materials to me except the bead and hook so kind of a neat tie. Ill let you know if it moves any smallies.

Cool! It's sort of like ostrich herl in a dubbing loop? It likely has great movement with only slight manipulation.
I like it.

This should fish well with excellent movement and "push." Put a few in your trout box too.

One small detail I'd suggest: tie up a few with a smaller jig head.

I'm certainly a devotee of heavy streamers and tie up a lot of them for both bass and trout with a great deal of lead or tungsten. However, this time of year, many bass rivers are very low and current isn't moving much; fish are skittish, water clear. I find that light weight streamers that sink slowly are often more effective in the shallow, clear water typical of conditions this time of year, especially if you're fishing over the chunk rock/woody debris that characterizes much shoreline SMB habitat. A heavy fly spooks fish and snags fast.
It's the section of feather real low to the hackle stem stripped off and then ya spun in a dubbing loop. Normally tossed but it works very well on smaller streamers it seems.

I gave it a toss and it sure is heavy and for sure spooked any fish I might have even had a remote shot at on the Clarion. It rode hook point up though and looked really really good. It gained a slot in the new streamer box for sure. I didn't end up fishing much but a lighter streamer would have been much more well suited. I also got to test a new hopper pattern and it looked amazing too.
That's some of the best material, good choice! I've used primarily to schlappen feathers for all Bugger-style patterns, as they are very webby and have great movement in the water.
