Woolly bugger colors


Feb 12, 2014
A buddy of mine suggested I post this.What color Woolly bugger is the most productive for you?
An olive woolly bugger is my early season go to fly. Either dead drift or swinging.

followed by peacock
Black, but only just barely. I keep the four colors you specifically listed in stock at all times. Size 10.

Great post that really shows the versatility of the bugger!

I don't fish them often, even though I love tying them, but olive is my go to color and I have the most success with them.
If I think buggers are the ticket I choose them as follows:

1. What's in my box;
2. Olive;
3. Brown or black (same difference);
4. White;
5. Caddis.
Black seems to work the best for me but other colors are effective also. I carry black,brown,olive and black,olive,white and purple. I usually tie them with a conehead and crystal flash tied into the tail.
I fish olive most of the time. I tie almost all of my buggers with rabbit strip tails instead of marabou. This probably isn't technically a true wooly bugger anymore but it is a variation that I find to be very effective. I just like the action of the bunny strips a bit more than the marabou.