Woody Debris Presentation at Little Juniata River Association



Active member
Dec 3, 2006
On May 13th, 2014 Todd Moses will be providing a discussion of wood debris and its importance for trout habitat. Todd is a senior restoration specialist and has completed a number of projects by analyzing fluvial geomorphology and assessing stream stabilty using Rosgens classification. Todd completed his early work in the Pacific Northwest were the placement of wood debris is integral to trout and salmon restoration. The presentation will be part of the monthly Little Juniata River Association meeting held at Tyrone Library. The meeting is scheduled for 7:30 pm.

The Little Juniata River Associate has been making a difference in the watershed. They've been responsible for obtaining public access for mile and miles of water on the little J and work closely with a number of stakeholders using the river.

If you fish the Little Juniata I strongly recommend you joining this organization.