Wild game dinner March 13th



Active member
Oct 18, 2006
My church puts on a fairly large game dinner every year. This year I'm guessing we'll get a few hundred people. We usually get a good speaker (had a guy last year who was I beleive a VP of the BASS federation, and was former special ops). It's a great time with a LOT of food. It is completely FREE so anyone who wants to come just let me know and I'll get a ticket for you (just to get an idea of how many people will be there).

A few guys from our church and I are headed up to Erie on February 28th (pending the weather) to get a few steelhead to get smoked for the dinner. If anyone would like to join us for that, they are also more than welcome.

And last but not least. The dinner and festivities start at 6pm, but I am going to put on a small fly tying seminar (not that I'm the greatest, but it'll be fun) at 5pm. You guys (and gals) are more than welcome to come to all or part of it. It's always a great time with great food and just a fun night.

Ryan Gouldsbarry


Chippewa Evangelical Free Church
239 Braun Road
Beaver Falls, Pa 15010

You should post that in the events section so that it doesn't disappear down the list as the time nears.

A little far for me but I love game feeds.
tomgamber wrote:

You should post that in the events section so that it doesn't disappear down the list as the time nears.

A little far for me but I love game feeds.

Yeah I thought about that, but figured I'll just put a post in the thread to bring it to the top every week or so. Figured more people stop in on this general forum anways, so more people will see it.

I have posted things in the the events section a month or two ahead of time, and then re- post them in the general forum a week or two before the actual date. Your post will get bumped out of the general forum pretty quick these days, cabin fever is in full swing!


I would like to join you on the trip to Erie next weekend. I just got an 8 weight and have been dying to try it out. I have never gone for steelies before and am really looking forward to it.