Wild Brook Trout Enhancement



Active member
Sep 13, 2006
Now that these streams have had the WBTE Regulations removed they will be returned to general regulations unless we act. My feeling is the the ones that were previously in Special Regulations should be returned to those older regs. But I feel they've been on special regulations 10 years and should be placed in another program.
Please write to the Fish Commission if you think they should be placed into another regulation category.
I voiced my opinion (via e-mail) regarding the upper Kettle Creek In Potter County.
I voiced my opinion to return them to general regs and once again be allowed to return to obscurity and the good fishing they all USED to have. Take Camp Run in Westmoreland for example. That stream was excellent until the BTE started and ever year after that it was worse and worse. Pressure was intense (relatively speaking for that type of stream). It went from having almost no pressure to cars parked there every weekend for a while. Where there was no path along the creek you will find a well worn trail. It did more harm than good. I believe that Special Regs do just as much harm as good on small streams like that. The best thing we can do is 'forget' about them. These aren't the type of streams that need our help. If that means a few trout a year get creeled than so be it. I'd rather have decent fishing in solitude.......
Special regs bring special attention. Let them sink into obscurity...
Zak wrote:
These aren't the type of streams that need our help. If that means a few trout a year get creeled than so be it.

+1. The best regs on these streams are simply no regs. Brookies are built to reach maturity and reproduce fast. They can handle the local boys keeping a couple fish every now and again.
Is there a place that has a list of the streams included in this program?

Edit: Nevermind, I believe I found it.
Swattie87 wrote:
Zak wrote:
These aren't the type of streams that need our help. If that means a few trout a year get creeled than so be it.

+1. The best regs on these streams are simply no regs. Brookies are built to reach maturity and reproduce fast. They can handle the local boys keeping a couple fish every now and again.

come back from Ireland, I'm not sure if I can drive here, :cool: