Wild Brook Trout Enhancement Program



Active member
May 28, 2010
So, I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed. Has this been officially discontinued?
Here's an article about it.

Thanks for the article. Will express my opinion to the Fish and Boat commission. It just so happens the upper Kettle was my concern. So they have one meeting and they will pass judgment based on this single meeting, like everyone who fishes the upper Kettle and approves the Enhancement Program would have the ability to attend the meeting?
The irony is while they canned the WBTEP because it was not bringing the results they hoped, they intend to create a special reg for the upper Kettle Creek watershed with I believe a C&R all tackle.

Here is the Notice

Public comments begin December 12 but they've been known to accept earlier comments with the bunch.
Maurice wrote:
The irony is while they canned the WBTEP because it was not bringing the results they hoped, they intend to create a special reg for the upper Kettle Creek watershed with I believe a C&R all tackle.

I'm not familiar with Kettle, but is this the same section as the WBTEP?? If so, that's funny.....
Yes it is.
There is no difference in WBTE and all tackle C&R, except under the WBTE regs you could keep other species of trout. I've never caught anything but brookies in upper Kettle so it is a moot point.

But what about the rest of the streams in the WBTE program?