


Mar 7, 2013
Would one put a 6 ounce reel on a 3 ounce rod? I don't get some of these modern manufacturers adding weight through gadgetry on their products. I've never needed "train stopping power" for a 15 inch fish with a four weight setup. Anybody care to enlighten a soon to be old timer? I suppose it's the use of trends to sell you new product. My old JW Young built reels perform just fine these last 25+ years. I do love my Hardy built Sage 504L and Lamson Litespeeds too. Guess I just needed to rant a little.
9 ounces is a ***** to hump around. I don't know the weight of my rod or reel nor would I ever let it concern me. Maybe a little cabin fever creeping in.
My experience.

Purchased a Scott 10 foot, 4 weight several years ago. Tried several reels rated for 4 and 5 weight lines - they were too light and I didn't feel a good balance. Ended up buying a Lamson rated for a heavier line (not sure of the weight but heavier than comparable reels rated for 4-5 weight), and it balanced nicely. Have had no problems with fatigue using this rig.


Because it's a lever and the fulcrum is your hand set at the bottom 9/10th of the length.

Science, and magnets.
I don't use a whole lot of new reels but I would assume the newer reels are lighter.

Are you talking about abels being heavy? That's about the only new reel I could think of. They are great looking and well built reels (in my opinion better than comparable lamson or ross reels of the same cost). In trout sizes, with the exception of the TR series, I would agree with the OPs point that they are way overkill.
Yep I understand levers and fulcrum and use them to my advantage on most days. However, I am not that concerned about it while fishing since my rod does not really act like a true lever and fulcrum to begin with. I think it sounds great but the reality is its nothing more then hair splitting in most cases. Don't get me wrong I'm not putting a 10wt reel on a 2 wt. I guess my inexperience affords me greater tolerance to such things.