Why I Fish Small Mountain Streams



Well-known member
Apr 24, 2009
South Jersey
Some people don’t understand why I’ll hike over a mile to fish a small freestone creek. Yep, a big fish for me might be 12 inches. To me it’s about the quality of the experience. On my last trip to several Class A streams in NE PA, I had the water all to myself, except for some young hikers from a camp. I was fishing solo and wet. The scenery was incredible. The woods were lush and alive. After a while I could forget about the office and other problems. It became easier to concentrate on my casting. As my rhythm improved I was picking up fish regularly but not in any great abundance. It was heaven for me. On the last day I fished the Tully. While not crowded there were fishermen in every likely run. There was a guy fishing bait in the special Regs section and a good amount of refuse along the banks. I managed to hook and land a rainbow of about 15 inches on a double nymph sprig that I tied myself. But the rainbow was a poor representative of its species, being a stocker and obviously near the end of its time in the creek. The pictures attached tell the story for me.


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