Who's up for a road trip?

Wow, a glimpse into hell.
Ahhh....Bennett Springs. I actually grew up fishing there as a kid. Never went on opening day because of what you just watched lol. I still go there sometimes when we visit family in the area in the summer. The crowds are A LOT less then, especially in the winter when it is Fly Fishing Only on the weekends.

The state must make bank from these places. They charge $3.50 (maybe more) to fish there for a day. Plus all the people who camp there over the summer. I will say this. These stocked fish fight like crazy as opposed to the stockers I have caught here in PA. The main plus for a park like this is that it keeps some of the smaller, wild(ish) streams pretty much clear of anyone.

The stream itself is really nice and has a constant temp that could support a nice population of wild fish if managed properly, but again....that would really cut back on their $$$ income.
That does not look like fun to me!!
Looks like what I've heard about the old days at the Paradise.
I've honestly never seen anything quite like that before. I don't mean to sound hypocritical since I do fish stocked streams on occasion but this just reminds me of the Higgins Pigeon shoot.
Ryan - Put us down for two each. In case we want seconds.
What the hell man! I'd be worried that one jackwagon that gets over excited would hook me.

Also, that just doesn't even look like fun at all.
So Swattie is a yes, Glen is a maybe?
ryansheehan wrote:
So Swattie is a yes, Glen is a maybe?

Eh, if everyone's doing it, I guess I'm in! :lol:
My brother lived in Missouri and fished those places,when he came out to Montana to fish with me.thought that was paradise--couldn't believe we had the Missouri all to ourselve's --i thought it was crowded because I could see him and his buddy.
Not my thing but there's lots of tradition behind MO trout parks. Reminds me of lake Ontario tribs in the fall.
I'm just thankful that is not what fishing is about for me. I wouldn't want to be anywhere near there. They must enjoy it so good for them.
Troy wrote:
I'm just thankful that is not what fishing is about for me. I wouldn't want to be anywhere near there. They must enjoy it so good for them.

I had the exact opposite thought. It's exactly what fishing is all about. I saw numerous family generations together out doing something as traditional as thanksgiving and football. I saw meeting and gathering with family and friends, coffee in the parking lot, good fishing, great conversation, followed by dinner, and elderly anglers enjoying yet another day on the water.

I'm thankful that I don't think of fishing as a race, competition, me vs the jones, or some kind of self identified hierarchy status. I still go to the local stocked creek to watch just because I like to see all of the good things that opening day is.
poopdeck wrote:
Troy wrote:
I'm just thankful that is not what fishing is about for me. I wouldn't want to be anywhere near there. They must enjoy it so good for them.

I had the exact opposite thought. It's exactly what fishing is all about. I saw numerous family generations together out doing something as traditional as thanksgiving and football. I saw meeting and gathering with family and friends, coffee in the parking lot, good fishing, great conversation, followed by dinner, and elderly anglers enjoying yet another day on the water.

I'm thankful that I don't think of fishing as a race, competition, me vs the jones, or some kind of self identified hierarchy status. I still go to the local stocked creek to watch just because I like to see all of the good things that opening day is.

For me there are lots of community activities like the ones you mentioned and more. Fishing for me is about getting away from crowds by myself or with a friend, but hey like I said at the beginning to each his own.
This really isn't too far off what the Ontario tribs look like in late October when the salmon run is in full swing. The big difference is in New York there's a lot more "fly fisherman". I use that word loosely because they're just flossing fish with a fly rod. YouTube search Burts Dam videos. It's crazy what lengths people will go to for big fish lol. It's worth it to experience it once or twice tho.
724flyfishing wrote:
This really isn't too far off what the Ontario tribs look like in late October when the salmon run is in full swing. The big difference is in New York there's a lot more "fly fisherman". I use that word loosely because they're just flossing fish with a fly rod. YouTube search Burts Dam videos. It's crazy what lengths people will go to for big fish lol. It's worth it to experience it once or twice tho.

That's the reason I've never done that either, I don't like crowds.
That is roll model the PAFBC wants to happen on each stocked section of streams in the state. That is why the are expanding the select trout stocking streams.
We don't have anything like that in Northern Virginia(that I know of) so the whole concept is foreign to me.