Who's Out with their Fly Rod?



Active member
Dec 14, 2008
Been fishing opening day for 40 years. About 7 years ago, I was catching trout with my spinning gear (only time I used it for trout all year), wasn't really enjoying it and went back to the car for the fly rod and had a ball.

Most years, I am the only one on the water with a fly rod. Today, I saw three others (Yellow Breeches). Many years, I am as successful, if not more so, than the bait and conventional tackle fishermen. Not today, as I managed just one very nice (16") brown on a wooly bugger. No other hits the entire morning. Was also battling 20+ mph wind gusts.

So, who else was out with the long rod and how did you do?
I was out Thursday on Spring Creek flyfishing for the first time this year. Hooked up with four browns, landed only two and missed another 1/2 dozen. I have had better days but the weather was wonderful. It was pushing 70 degrees and sunny. Caught them all on size 18 BWO drys.
I went out with both. Since I am a novice on a fly rod and spent 25 he better part of 40 years on spin tackle, that was my plan. However, 45 minutes on spin stuff and 8 hours with fly rod.

I learned what I needed today. .. spin rod will be when I take my 4 year old girl out
The better question would be is why was anybody out today unless you were fish'n with yer kid or grand kid. Wait 2 weeks till the BS is over then spend a day picking up trash from the banks of every water way you fish, then fish the next day.
It brings back memories and I had a chance to meet up with a friend that I hadn't seen for a little while.
I was fishing the Breeches and only managed 1 as well. I fished from 8am-10am with horrible wind gusts. Didn't see a lot of the bait and spin guys pulling fish in or on their stringers. I'll be out on Monday.
Five Weight...this is America