Who use's a Walt's Worm?



Active member
Jun 11, 2016
Southwestern Pa
The video for tying is below. I just tied these up for the first time, (the original and the "Sexy Walt's Worm"). Went fishing and the 3rd cast locked into a nice 20+" rainbow that proceeded to wrap the line around a submerged tree limb!! Then proceeded to miss the next 4 hits. I gotta get better at the hook set. I'm not setting hard enough.

I love the simplicity of the Walt’s when tying and how effective it is. Not the prettiest fly but it works.
Just had post ln this last week , i love walts worms ,i tie up a few boxes over winter. Sexy and original. Fantastic. Very productive
PXL 20220504 020532834

PXL 20220501 153421337

This football liked em on my last trip to the Poconos
I use the Walts worm quite a bit. Love the simplicity of the fly . I usually use it with a much smaller nymph or zebra midge. I've used the sexy walts but the original Walts works best for me.
I do. At the end of the grannoms, I put my brother, who had NEVER caught a trout on a fly rod, in a run on Oil Creek with a Sexy Walts bead head. I, with my nearly 40 years of fly fishing, went about. near him with my new Euronymph rig with a more precise pupa immitation. He got 5. I got 2. I started using it this year once I started Euronymphing and yes, its the real thing.
If I fish anywhere there are crane flies, sow bugs, or scuds a Walts worm is tied on 99% of the time for me! I often fish a 3 fly nymphing rig and I'll have a walts worm tied on as my last fly furthese down my rig. I often have it on slightly lighter tippet so if I do get stuck usually I just lose that fly. They are so easy to tie that I don't mind losing them. I usually do not have them weighted and use my second fly in my rig to help push that fly towards the bottom.