white Wulffs



Apr 17, 2010
having just realized that my vacation this year corresponds with the most likely dates for the white fly hatch on the susky, I decided to tie some white wulffs, but realized a little too late that I didn't have any properly sized white or silver badger hackles, so, in a pinch, I tied them with grizzly hackle. Do you think this will effect their performance at all? (by the way, I just ordered more white hackle from J. Stockard this morning...)
They should work fine.
Those flies don't really start hatching until almost dusk, and most of the fishing to them is after dark anyway
do you have any white cdc ? or tie them parachute and use light ginger for the hackle , grizzly will work
SMB's are no where near as persickity to catch as trout during a hatch. It's best to pick a fly that's durable and floats well since the action can be intense, and the last thing you want is a slimed up fly that won't float, plus you really don't want to have to change flies in the dark. I would stay away from CDC for sure for this reason. Deer hair flies are okay, but a small to medium sized white popper or slider works well and you won't have any flotation problems with it.

Also, I would bet a smallish gurgler would be a great fly to try. Easy to tie, durable, and floats well.


Good luck.
afish is right on the money. You don't want the dry fly imitation: you want the fly that imitates the minnows and other small forage fish that are eating the bugs. I like the floating minnow, but a gurgler would likely be just as deadly if not more so.