White flys in Wrightsville.



Staff member
Sep 9, 2006
York, Pennsyltucky
Plenty of whitelfys in wrightsville tonight. Mostly riding the water, Weird I know. Not alot in the air. Didn't notice them until wading back across after chasing a few risers. Sailboats all over the water. Meayuns in the lights. Lots of risers out past the first trench. Probably catties. No cruisers yet.

The ledges produces a couple slashes at a popper early. The river is warm and clear.

Years ago in the hayday we used to have get togethers at the boat launch. I don't know if its worth it this year or not and I am out of town this weekend but I am sure there are a few fish to be had.

Haint no bass down river yet I suspect.
I didn't think they would be coming off already I was just out Wed. and still seeing a decent amount of big hexagenia coming off at dark. May have to start back on the river tonight.

I saw a handful flying around. And a good number of mayflys about the same size on the water after dark and assuming they were white flys but as I said they rarely ride the surface. They coulda been some other species perhaps but not hexes, not big enough. I shoulda grabbed on or two to check.
Steno of some variety would be my guess
Was at John Wright's a week agO until dark. Walked down to the river. Nada. They must have really come on since then. A boat ramp reunion would be cool.
Those large Ephemerids were all over the trees at Long Level on Monday, obscuring the green color of the trees' leaves in some cases.