White flies



Active member
Sep 13, 2006
male and female white fly photos, coming off heavy now.


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Haven't heard if there was much of a hatch on the Yellow Breeches this year
Add that to the list weak hatches in 2014. Maybe the harsh winter and cool spring caused the hatches to be more spread out / staggered. On some streams, hendricksons were still trickling off as the march brown hatch ended. I don't think I was spoiled by abnormally good hatches in the last 2-3 years. Cool water, high water or just plain bad timing on my part. Hope the hatches return to more normal patterns.
Kray, maybe in your area, but I saw some incredible white fly hatches this year.
Chaz wrote:
Kray, maybe in your area, but I saw some incredible white fly hatches this year.

^ +1

Many of the hatches were "off" this year, especially in the early spring, but the white fly hatch in August was really good in the Susky, especially on the NB.

All the hatches I saw up north were very good and about on time except the early hatches were a little late.
I was out for at least 10-12 days for the white flies on the Breeches this past year and it was definitely more sparse than usual. Plus it was later than normal as well. There were still a few nights that it "was on". Hopefully this year will be better.