White Flies Upriver Now?



Well-known member
Nov 2, 2006
A while back people were reporting white flies in the Harrisburg area. Are there now good white fly hatches further up? I was thinking of maybe trying the Juniata above or below Lewistown, or maybe around McVeytown. Or maybe the Susque further up somewhere. Any reports?
Just got back from the Susky above where it meets with the Juniata. Almost directly across from the Trading Post. 3 bass between my 2 friends and only a fallfish for me. Flies appeared VERY late, maybe 20 minutes of light left. Not blizzard but enough. Just couldnt quite get to the larger wakes. It gets a little scary/dangerous when your in current up to your boobies and just about pitch black with the slick bottom. Largest was 14".
A friend of mine who fishes the white fly hatch every year sent me an update for the Wrightsville area. He's been out every night for a week (I believe it was). Lots of bugs, no bass.

The white fly could end up being like the Green Drake. Fun to see the spectacle of a blizzard hatch, but terrible to fish. Except in this case it's because there are no fish left in the river.
I was on the Juniata near Millerstown this evening. Saw about a dozen white flies..............no surface action at all :(
I was on the Brandywine on Tuesday and there was definitely a noticable hatch coming off :-D
I was at the Amity Hall boat landing on the Juniata between 8 and 9 on Sat. evening. The water was like glass. A few (very few) white flies came off and some size 32 yellow colored fly. The water was so calm you see rings in the water where the bugs came off. Did not see one fish rise all evening. Catch rate was zero. Veery disappointing.

Biggie wrote:
I was on the Juniata near Millerstown this evening. Saw about a dozen white flies..............no surface action at all :(

Do you think they're tapering off already in this area and are already far upriver?
Or just getting started? The timing of this hatch is enough to make you crazy.
I have been watching for them at our place on the Juniata about two miles down from Newport and there were none to speak of over the weekend. I will post when I see them.

buffalo wrote:
I have been watching for them at our place on the Juniata about two miles down from Newport and there were none to speak of over the weekend. I will post when I see them.


That would be great. Appreciate it. (I want to change my name to Bassbert, he he.)