White Deer Creek Union County



Apr 21, 2010
Can anyone tell us what the fishing has been like in recent days on White Deer Creek? I hope to get up there on Sunday. Thanks
There is a report dated June 7th about 15 posts below yours.
I was not able to find an earlier post (recent) on White Deer Creek. If you're looking to fish the stream in the C & R section Most of what you'll encounter are small browns from the fingerling stocking last October. The first stocking of fingerlings didn't fare to well when PFBC conducted the survey last fall. 25% survival is considered minimum for success. There were only about 25 or so fingerling stocked browns turned up in the survey and not many wild fish to even make it interesting.

The open water is heavily stocked and also heavily fished. I must admit I haven't fished it yet this year.
Do you know why they stocked the special regs with brown trout fingerlings and not brookies? The habitat is there and seems to stay fairly cold ... With the stocking it never seemed like they gave wild brookies a chance. If the browns take hold though I wouldn't be disappointed, it's a great creek to fish
lycoflyfisher wrote:
Do you know why they stocked the special regs with brown trout fingerlings and not brookies?

I'm not a White Deer regular but my guess would be that they used browns due to better growth and survival. It's hard enough getting brown and rainbow fingerlings to thrive in smaller streams - brookies may not be seen as cost effective.
Off the top of my mind, I can't think of any places in PA where PFBC brook trout fingerlings are currently stocked successfully (it has been tried in a fair number of places). If brown trout fingerlings don't do well, I doubt the agency would even consider brookies.
I fished down stream from the Sand Bridge area for about a half mile, then back in and around the area of the 4th Gap Cabin on the fly stretch.

I managed to hook, lose, miss, and land a few fish.

Landed... one 9" brown, one small stocked brown
Hooked and lost.......... 1 brown, one small native brookie

I missed a few, all were likely in the 9-11" size range, but there are fish present. I only found them in the deep holes, not in the riffles.

Green Drakes were present and hatching, I was there in mid and late day, but not at dusk. The flies were here and there, no big numbers except for Tricos. Lots of them...
good to hear, I fished the fly stretch once earlier in the year and only managed 1 fish and didnt see a whole lot of activity. a friend who used to fish it regularly has almost given up on fishing it... hopefully the browns take off and the numbers get back up