White Clay Fly Fishers Club



Nov 12, 2014
Not sure if this the right place to post this but here goes. Is anyone here a member of the WCFF? I've been trying to email them for a couple of weeks with no response. I know they do a lot for the fishing in the White Clay and even do some stocking of their own. Since that's where I fish I feel as though I should help support the club even if its just financially (hopefully more than that though). My problem is their site says to send in the application with a check for the dues but they do not have the application on their site that I can find. I'm going to try to make there club meeting next week but with all of my kid duties weeknights get to be tough for me. Any help would be great thanks

Nathan Peterson
I'm not a member but if you don't get a contact, check with Terry at "Marblehead Flyfisher" shop. He will know who to contact and how to get in touch with them.
Is anyone on here a member?
Just checked out the website,the calendar is from 2012, guessing thats why you get no response.
I'm a member. Send me your email and I will email you the latest newsletter.
I have been a member since 1999. If you want, let me know and I will get you the presidents contact information. You can PM me.
Thanks guys Longbow sent me the news letter and I mailed in my application and dues. Hope to make the next meeting. Do they do the fly tying every Thursday or just certain weeks?

Thanks again guys hope to meet you soon