where's my wallet



Active member
Dec 30, 2009
Generally speaking, I do think we are being taken advantage of a HIGH POCKET, enterprise. When will it balance out. may be I should say DEEP POCKET.

Hard to think &100.00 is measured in 1 oz. of feathers. Try to do your best to do it yourself.

I know this is another, hard to relate post. Yes. no.

I will give you a fix. Check out you tube. Chris Fave Flyfishing. Leaders. He will show you something I have kept a secret for 30 years.

Glad in a way he did. I probably would take it with me. Glad I gave to the world a gift.

Tie a blood knot using a tooth pick.

Now you all can do it, practice my son. practice. Don't be afraid, Nothing to fear but fear itself.
I can tie a blood knot with my fingers in about 10 seconds.

Let me rephrase, that method is cool and will likely help out people with bad dexterity, myself however would forget the toothpick more than i remember it and would be forced to use my fingers anyways.

I do not think so. That would be faster than me. This would mean on a 6 knot leader you could achieve this in 1 minute. Well I say, put you money up.

I would have hired you in a minute. a 1 minute 7 section leader. Best I could get was 30- 35 hour. That's when my mind was right.

I have no doubt tied 250,000 leaders. all hand tied. who knows. if you ever got a leader with red twist ties holding it together. ITS MINE.
There is our main difference.
I only tie one knot.

Fishing spring creeks as much as I do, knotted leaders would be a disaster with all the weeds.

So tapered leader with one knot.
Dont tempt me, I have no guilt in taking your money , thus leaving you wonder, "where's your wallet."

Edit: I do find you interesting. No doubt you have been there done that but dontcha think the amount of talent on this board might just be equal? I mean lots of talented folks on this board, we all have something we are good at, dare I say some might even be as good at making leaders as you?

Good Luck
wEEDS, BULLSHIT , a proper trimmed blood knot does collect weeds. the leader in itself does. thus slime is stopped at the knot. thus better tan the fly.. my question, how much weeds to you really get on a knotted leader. truthful. no more than a knotless.

keep filling the pockets of the knotless manufacturers. Let me tell you this. As a old conversation with Jim Lapage, before your time. Why would I pay $1.00 for a leader I get from Japan for 25 cents.

gave him my answer, he liked it. unfortunate I did not see a divorce in the future.

you better sit down and realistic time that knot.

I will not only take your money, I want your shoe's too. probably crockadile. or native brook skin.
oh boy. oh boy, I found someone as bad as me.

ego is strong with this one.

Oh they pick up weeds alright, lots of them plus create drag but your the expert, I will bow to your fly-fishing prowess.

I will say though, only wear vans, chucks or wading boots so you aint right about everything. :lol:
Fun. Back to the real subject, deep pockets, high pockets,

generally it is August for a price increase for fishing. Now , let's say hooks. use to buy by 100 @ $4.00 . August price increase of 20%. still affordable. Screw fishermen , now packs of 50. The hell with them, packs of 25 $3.99- $4.99.

Now. If hooks are 10 cents a piece. Why can you still purchase flies in quanity overseas for as little as $4.00 dozen and below. providing you meet buying criteria. ? dz. min. order.

There is more behind the scenes than you know..

When does the well run dry.

I was always a simple man. always tried not let it bother me.

for a beginner, new blood. ebay 2 months ago stock was $30.00. now @ 37 +.

Maybe stocking has a better reward.

I know it does not make sense. But did the maxima12 ever make any
Well I got started and will finish. Joe Humphries, hell, he made pennies on what manufacturers did. You give a dog a bone, he will follow you anywhere.

I would encourage a barter section on this site. No money, just good faith and will.

Maxima is mad again. Not at you, at those who take advantage of you.
I bypass this entire conversation and use surgeons knots, doubles or triples depending upon diameter, exclusively.

And why not? They are as good as any blood knot and get me back fishing quicker.

I mean, I could use blood knots. I could also decide to travel from the bedroom to the kitchen to get my morning coffee by using a series of back flips. But why should I when it is a lot less wear and tear to simply walk out to the kitchen?

Same goes for the surgeon's knot...
RLeep2 wrote:
I bypass this entire conversation and use surgeons knots, doubles or triples depending upon diameter, exclusively.

And why not? They are as good as any blood knot and get me back fishing quicker.

I mean, I could use blood knots. I could also decide to travel from the bedroom to the kitchen to get my morning coffee by using a series of back flips. But why should I when it is a lot less wear and tear to simply walk out to the kitchen?

Same goes for the surgeon's knot...

Same here
I used to tie blood knots. No tools. I have used Maximas leaders. They were ok. They were both when i fished a lot more a could see a lot better. I think I could tie a surgeon's knot by feel if I had to. But I can do it with even blurry vision. So that's what I do. If I had to build a leader I'd use blood knots. I don't need to, so I dont.
Surgeon's knot, sturdy and quick to tie they are. By the time you find your toothpick, finished I am...
chris fave does tye a nice leader.
I forgot that trick when I was 15. Toof picks r 4 teef. GG
You guys tie knotted leaders with all surgeons knots? Arent they pretty bulky? I tie knotted leaders, all blood knots. Surgeons knots are too bulky.
82 82 82

246 toothpicks.