Where's GFEN?



Active member
Mar 28, 2013
Where has paflyfish member Gfen gone? I always loved his sarcastic humor. He was never shy when telling somebody they were an idiot. He came off crass but his points were always spot on.
Ya, we surely need more posts telling people they are idiots to keep it original on here.
I thought he was a she?. Then again who knows these days.
Sometimes our regular posters just fall off the radar screen for no apparant reason we are aware of. In some cases, folks just tire of the site or become focused on other more personal forms of social media. Some folks are stricken by personal crisis. Some disappear for years and then suddenly return to posting, only to vanish again. Others are rubbed wrong by a thread and simply don't come back.

Some of these posters I sincerely miss as I have fished with them and regard them to be gentlemen. They have just moved on for whatever reason. Some of them I keep in touch with outside of our forum, others have just disappeared and I assume they don't wish to be found.

Not saying any of these are the case with Gfen, just merely that this is the reality of our online community.
Some decide to take their flies and go sit by their own firering, in the OTher FLYFISH.
Salmonoid, that comment made me LOL. I'll keep my thoughts to myself tho.

Anyone remember Spider something or other from way back when? Troll is a troll but that guy was great. Hopefully I'm not siding with someone who offended a bunch of people, memory is fuzzy. All I remember is a fishing report consisting of a picture of feet and a beer bottle
I am actually worried about GFen. He is a good guy .

I heard he was sick ...
He's been off the grid since last August, even on his own Firering site.

After asking around, no one that I know anyway, has heard a thing from him.

I think he went back to the basics...worm fishing his old boo rod with his Medalist strapped on.
I have been wondering about Gary for a while I hope everything is OK
Gary is a great guy
miss gary greatly- no one was kinder to an old has been goat. When he dropped off the other site so did I.. Never met him but he was one of those truly unforgettable characters online anyway.Don't run into many in a lifetime.
Met him a a jam 2 years ago. He and his hipster buddies had the cabin next to us. I had no problem with him at all. He liked to bust chops on the site and was very good at it. Didn't seem to as much in person, but maybe it was because we only met that once.

And by the way LetortAngler. He is a guy. Those were man boobs.

I heard he had health problems in the past, I hope he is doing OK.

Hopefully, he's just been busy bow fishing!
I saw him pop up on a music website a couple of weeks ago. Someone asked about member's who also flyfished and there he was.
KeithS wrote:
I saw him pop up on a music website a couple of weeks ago. Someone asked about member's who also flyfished and there he was.

I was wondering where Gfen has been as well. I always liked his "straight to the point" posts on here.
Turkey, yes it was TB.
He had one personality on the board but one of the nicest guys in person. Hung out with him around the pavilion at a few JAM's. Good guy.
Gary lacks a certain literary quality known as tact. Otherwise, he is a swell guy. I have not heard hide nor hair nor feathers of him in over a year, I think.
Tact is another term for the givashittometer. Garys was pegged on "I don't". Even still I wish him well.
MIA's: Osprey,Squarertail,Gfen,probably others.
Yes,Dave ,he was next to us and was an ok guy. GG