Where to go later this week - near Baltimore & in central PA



Apr 26, 2009
I live in Lancaster, but a buddy is coming up to Baltimore for Thanksgiving and wants to get together for some fishing. Due to work contstraints on my part we're limited to the Baltimore area and to the York/Lancaster area.

We were thinking about possibly hitting up the Gunpowder on Friday and trying either Tulpohocken Creek or somewhere else on Saturday.

Anybody out there with thoughts or recommendations? I've never fished the Tully and have only fished the Gunpowder a few times, but not recently. We've even considered getting a guide for a 1/2 day. We're not opposed to heading out towards Carlise to the Breeches or anything out that way too.

Any input/info will be greatly appreciated! Thanks for your help!
Codorus Creek would be a good "middle ground" for you. If he's willing to travel further, the CV streams are an option as well. But if you're looking for a good compromise, I'd hit up Codorus.
Have you tried Muddy Creek yet? Nice stream if it's not too low.
+1 for Muddy.

The only thing you have to watch there is the "river keeper" - I hear he's a real curmudgeon!!! :-D
Check the weather reports to make sure this Noreaster that the media is talking about, isn't actually happening...

They are usually wrong, but who knows....

DanL wrote:
Check the weather reports...

Yeah, central PA may be seeing some snowmelt by Friday. With that said, water levels are up a bit around here to a nice level right now (compared to the very low conditions last week). Some snow run-off shouldn't be a major problem on the limestoners. Muddy would be nice, and the CV streams will tolerate any crazy weather.
Thanks for the info everybody. Ended up fishing the Gunpowder on Friday. Definitely a cold day, spent about 4 hours on the stream with my friend. I brought 4 fish to hand, all on a size 20 hares ear. I did have a few strikes on top with a BWO emerger, there were a few rises happening around 1-2pm, but wasn't actually able to stick any. My friend brought 5 to hand, all on a nymph.

Saturday we fished Big Spring. Hired a guide, Tony Dranzo, and had a good day on the water. We fished Big Spring for about 3 hours. Saw a lot of fish. Even though we didn't have much luck, learned a lot about the fishery from Tony. We ended the day fishing the part of the Letort for about an hour. If anybody is looking for a knowledgable guide, I wouldn't hesitate to contact Tony. He has a wealth of info on this area. Definitely learned a ton about Big Spring and the Letort! All in all a good 2 days.

I was able to convince my buddy from North Carolina that it would be worth it to come back in the warmer weather to try our hand at some of these fish again.
Yep - Tony is top notch. Glad to hear you had a good time.