where to go in october



New member
Apr 20, 2010
The first week of October every year my friends and I go on a fishing trip. I now live in east Tennessee so the last few years we have concentrated our trips here in the south east. However I went to college in annville at Lebanon Valley College, and lately I have really been missing the PA streams I frequented so often during my college years... I used to fish the yellow breeches, Clark's, stony, the quitti and a handful of other streams literally 4 days a week. My question is, if you had 4 days to fish any rivers in PA during the first week of October where would you go. I'm asking no specific spots, and any info would truly be appreciated. I know stream names are often not given so feel free to e-mail me at troutbum25@yahoo.com. I thank you in advance!

~tight lines~
Little Juniata 1st choice.
Spring, Penns, and Fishing Creeks would be good choices too
2weightfavorite wrote:
if you had 4 days to fish any rivers in PA during the first week of October where would you go.

Somewhere in central or northcentral PA: Think Centre or Potter/Tioga Counties.

Hit the link "Where to Fly Fish" on the upper right side of this page to get started.
There’s clearly many good spots in PA, and you’ll probably get a lot of opinions…not a bad thing probably. For my vacation time and dollars, that time of year, I’d opt for NC PA. Somewhere in the Pine or Kettle Creek watersheds, or both. Scenery will be spectacular, warm days/crisp nights. If the water’s high, the tribs of Pine and Kettle will fish well. If the water’s lower, the main stems will fish well. Either way, (outside of a massive rainfall from a tropical system) there is usually good fishing somewhere in that area at that time of year. That area is a good safe bet, especially when making plans as far out and to travel as far as you are. I usually try to get up that way for a long weekend at the end of September or early October each year…my favorite fishing trip of the year usually. I make sure to fish Pine somewhere in the Canyon each year on that trip. There’s no one there, the Trout have spread out again from their Summer refuges and the Smallmouth and Fallfish will hit like crazy.

The Central PA limestone area (Centre County) has some great streams as we all know, but those streams are a bit more moody and slower to respond to rainfall. When they get high, they stay high longer and they can get in a funk where the fishing is tough, even in decent flow conditions, for a few days or more at a time. If it were late Spring, that area would get my vote hands down for the consistent bug factory hatches, but in the Fall I’d opt for the NC freestoners.
Allot depends on the types of streams you prefer to fish. If it's limestone either SC PA or Centre County. If it's freestone, NC PS.
I just wanted to chime in and say thanks. I'm planning a trip to NC PA in late September early August as well.