Where is my fly?



Staff member
Sep 11, 2006
Chester County, PA
Good article linked below about visualizing and tracking where your fly is on and under the water. There's not much written about this, but it's really one of the keys to FFing successfully.

Watch the angle of your line as it enters the water and trace it below for as far as you can see it. It tells a lot as to where your fly is riding in the water. The George Daniel book on Nymphing goes into great detail about this. It's a great (the best, IMO) book one can buy to learn all the intricacies of nymphing.

The best advice is in the last paragraphs of the article. Tie on a visible fly in clear water and watch what it does when you tighten up, mend, strip, move your tip, let it drag, etc. You can learn a lot. And when your fly is out of sight in the depths or current, you have an idea where it is located and how it is behaving.

I've always believed my early-day trout stream bait fishing techniques, watching and feeling my line (without a bobber) helped my become a decent nympher more than any other thing.

Challenge yourself this season and take off your bobber, just to see what happens. Pretend your fishing a worm instead of of PT or HE...lol. Stick with it and it will pay off.

Well worth the read:
