Where are the Erie smolts?



Jul 31, 2013

I have been fishing Erie the last few weekends and I am shocked at the amount of smolts they have put in the creeks this year.

Elk, Walnut, and 20 mile have very few or next to none in them.

Everyone I have personally talked to on the creek is in agreement.

What is going on?

Did they get to busy with the new regs and forget to put steelhead in the creeks?

In years past you could not keep them off of your line. I think I have hooked about 10 over the last 5 trips....

It is great being able to drift all day without the little things tearing your flies up. But it does make me wonder what the future will be like if they keep it up.


Still no runs besides a few jacks and a few suckers.

I did catch this steelhead today. Measured out around 35 inches. Biggest one I have seen out of Erie personally. Not too sure on the weight. Would appreciate your guesses.

Have you guys gone up lately? What is your take on the smolts?

Not to sure about the smolts, but my guess on that steelie would be around 12lbs.
I have no idea what the situation with the smolts is about. It may be that the late unlocking of the Lake delayed things and they haven't done it yet. Or maybe the walleye finally figured out as way to eat them all before they got more than 100 feet off shore.

Anything's possible.

I'll bet these folks know, though: http://fishandboat.com/images/fisheries/fcs/fairview-sfh.htm

The Commission's Fairview Hatchery/Cultural Station.

Dated March 29th

Concerning smolt stocking, I received the following reply from the PFBC.

"Thank you for your inquiry about the stocking of Steelhead smolts into Elk Creek and the other Lake Erie tributaries. Generally speaking, we normally start to stock the smolts the last week of February and continue, 5 days per week, through mid-April. The Tionesta State Fish Hatchery and the Fairview State Fish Hatchery both began stocking Steelhead into the Lake Erie tributaries on February 26 this year, with Elk Creek being one of the receiving streams. To date, stocking is complete in Presque Isle Bay, Crooked Creek, Raccoon Creek, and Conneaut Creek. By the end of next week Elk Creek, Walnut Creek, Twentymile Creek, and Godfrey Run should also be finished. Trout Run, Fourmile Creek, Sevenmile Creek, Twelvemile Creek, and Sixteenmile Creek stockings will all follow. I hope this information was beneficial, and if you have any more questions please do not hesitate to call or send me an e-mail and I’ll do my best to help you out. My contact information is below. Again, thanks for your question and good luck with any fishing adventures you may pursue".



Scott Morgan | Hatchery Manager

Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission

Tionesta / Fairview State Fish Hatcheries
172 Hatchery Lane | Tionesta, PA 16353
Phone: 814.755.3524 | Fax: 814.755.3501
FWIW: Just yesterday got a few smolts on Upper Elk around Struchen Flats & saw two PFBC stocking trucks along Elk at Sterrettania. Smolts might be there now.

Also ran into a number silver jacks and a few much larger fish. No real number of suckers yet up that far.
Very nice steelhead. If that was an accurate 35"(and it looks like it to me), I would say that fish would be likely 14 or 15 lbs. That fish doesn't look overly skinny or fat and that is where it would probably fall if average. Either way, that's a great steelhead, anywhere.

Nice job.

On the other topic, I don't know anything about the smolt situation. I only fish NY for steelhead/browns these days.

Nice fish, I wouldn't worry too much about them stocking smolts, they put them in.
Been saying it for years now. I Dont care what the state says, they are not stocking the amount of smolts they clam to be. The proof is in returns which are WAY down. The idea of walleyes killing them all particularly this time of the year is nonsense. Over 80% of lake erie's ENTIRE walleye population is currently spawing on the reef complex in the western basin. The non migratory walleye population in the eastern basin is marginal at best certaintly not enough to wipe out a million smolts.
>>Been saying it for years now. I Dont care what the state says, they are not stocking the amount of smolts they clam to be. The proof is in returns which are WAY down.>>

I think the only thing this is proof of is that you seem to think that returns are way down...

Otherwise, its a Great Lake, not a 25 acre pond. Great as in really big. As such, there is probably as much that goes on that confounds the fisheries managers as there are things that actually comport with what they think is happening.

Forgive me if I'm coming off a bit less than completely civil. It isn't personal. I'm just weary to the core of the Fish Commission Conspiracy/Lying/Subterfuge Of The Day stuff.

Smolts are in, I've caught them from uncle johns up to rick road. They don't put all of them in at once. Plenty of smolts and plenty of steelhead, there always will be plenty of steelhead. If you cant find them or catch them your doing something wrong. The fish commission do a lot for Erie and the stocking program so point fingers elsewhere.

As the return rates, the returns are fine. Practice catch and release and get others to do the same. If your catching smolts, move on, their our future. It is a great lake, a big one at that. Fish can go anywhere they want or stay in the lake all year. Cant imagine how many fish enter PI Bay and stay put for the colder months, its a lot is all I know.

I know some smolts are there.

In years past they would put most of the smolts in at the doberman hole in late February. An absurd amount all at once. Not split it up..Here is a video from 2012 where they put 24k smolt in Feb at one time.. They for sure did not do that this year... I am not talking about catching a few or even 20. I am talking about so many to the point where you can not even drift. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MarwE5UmUno

Typically anything up near rick road was a safe haven for us regarding smolts. They seemed to head down more than upstream so I am not too concerned about the amount up there.

Anyone who says returns are fine.. I agree. I make about 40 trips a year and have for many years now. Catch a ton every-time.

They have done a great job with the browns up there. Caught some big ones this year.

Anyone who says returns are not down from years past. I disagree.

If any of you have fished Erie long enough to gather any data you will know this. There is no argument. Take a pair of sunglasses and walk down Elk creek. Look in the holes.. Holes that used to consistently have 40 fish in them now have about 8. I do not mind walking a mile or two to hook 30 or so but it for sure used to be a lot easier.

Major Major discussions of returns this year at 3cus meetings and I do know there are die hard people out there who are very concerned for the future.

My issue is Erie holds water for only a day or two with no rain.

Water gets high, fish come in, then get taken out on ropes.

With the way the weather has been the last 3 years you have to wait 3 weeks for a good rain to bring more in.

So ya catch and release would help keep those holes filled longer forsure.

I know how delicate Erie discussions can be. Do not want this to turn into an Erie war. Just wanted to know where the 24k smolts were on Upper Elk. Guess I will find out next time I go up. Sounds like they split them up this year.

Thanks guys. Forgive my grammar and structure or whatever its 4am.
There are no where near the numbers of Steel in the Erie tribs as there were in the past.They started to decline around 5 yrs ago and seem to be less every year.At least I had a bunch of great years to remember.
By the way if that Steely is 35" I would estimate it to weigh about 14#.
If there is anyone on this forum that I would believe about Erie steelhead it would be Krott.
troutwilleatflies wrote:
There are no where near the numbers of Steel in the Erie tribs as there were in the past.They started to decline around 5 yrs ago and seem to be less every year.At least I had a bunch of great years to remember.
By the way if that Steely is 35" I would estimate it to weigh about 14#.

DEC NY reports that in NY Steel catches are at a record for the 7th consecutive year.

which made me think - i wonder if the majority of those catches are 'at sea' on the charter boats ?

in a closed system like Erie and ontario, its not beyond comprehension that due to low flows in spring, summer and fall, that the fish are being cleaned out by the charters before they even reach the creeks is it ?


yeah, it's feasible, but even before the charters are targeting the mouths, they're targeting out further and deeper, so even the low flows aren't that necessary. Just an increase in charter interest.

And, aside from charters, you have commercial fishermen too, including of the Canuck variety.

And of course walleye, musky, etc.

Disease and water quality.

And not all of the chromers which survive ever get into the creeks. The more high water events, the more runs, the more fish. As was said, a bunch are caught in PI Bay throughout the winter.

Lots of variables.