When the moon hits your eye like a big Easter Pie!



Well-known member
Sep 9, 2006
Dear Board,

This is why I went Upstate yesterday.

Ummh, authentic Coal Region Easter Pie. Yum-Yum!


And here is my Easter Card to all of you courtesy of my Mom.

Happy Easter Everyone!

If anybody can fix this and show the pictures I'd appreciate it!

Tim Murphy :)

I got 'ya Tim...I was laughing less before I saw the pics...thanks for sharing.

edited by maurice
edited by dkile

Couldn't help but chuckle at your Easter card. Happy Easter to you and to all the board browsers.
Same to you:
Thanks for the laughs, guys! Those were good ones! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Have a Happy Easter!
Happy Easter dudes! See you on the water. The bunny brought me a smallmouth on the fly book.
Happy Easter All!!
Bunny ain't showed up here yet. :-(
That's hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-D

This post really hit home with me
My wife is italian and makes easter pie every year for the big family gathering. She in fact makes 2 kinds: The pie in your picture looks like the meat and cheese pie she makes - it's like a quiche and is served warm with dinner. She just calls it meat pie.
The 2nd kind is made from ricotta cheese, barley, and citrun, and is served cold for dessert. She calls it "easter pie"
She got both recipes from her grandma - they're old family favorites
We went to my Sons for Easter dinner yesterday, everything was great ! He made a Italian Easter pie that was delicious! It was the first time he made one and the first time I ever eat one, very good!

That kid can cook!

I need some warm weather!

Lasagna recipes should never be posted to the internet where just anyone can get them. Only the select few are worthy of receiving the sacred instruction!! :p
Looks pretty gross to me, I'm glad I didn't grow up eating Easter Pie, even if it was only once a year.
Dang. 0917 and you guys got me hankerin for italion food. You folks are good.
Man, it took me 'till sea urchin roe...(uni) before I found something I wouldn't take seconds of...bring on the pie..it looks good to me.