What streams are iced over???



Active member
Sep 13, 2006
Perkiomen Hosensack and West Branch.
I figure it might be helpful for anglers to know.
I think it's safe to say that at this point, *most* streams are at least 50% iced over, if not completely iced over. Limestoners are the only bet right now and even the Donegal had some ice on it the other day.
Chartiers Creek is not iced over completely, from what I see on my commute every day...

(sorry, just had to throw it in for us fishermen in the PA arm-pit of trout fishing that is the Pittsburgh area....)
Alleghany River from here to DanL's former residence of Verona is iced over. Always wonder how garbage and stuff ends up on the ice pack.
I thought the barges had a nice path cut through the Allegheny but they must be slacking.....
I put I've skates on my pontoon so I can navigate the Lehigh.
I did a long looping drive through southern Lancaster County and down across the Conowingo Dam and up through York County and pretty much every stream we crossed was frozen over with just small patches of open water. Spring can't get here fast enough.
Probably not the Tully DH Area and the bait area below. I have it on good word that plenty of fall stocked trout remain.
I am going to surprise some of you, I was in Leetonia on Monday and Cedar Run is iced over, I know that is hard to believe. As are all other streams I have been near in Tioga county. hopefully, no one is surprised by this.
Not really surprised Cedar Run is frozen. I'd be surprised if it and Slate Run weren't.
Of the streams I cross over each day, the mouth of Donegal is frozen over, but it flows into a dammed up section of the Chiques (which is frozen over, except below the little dam), so that is not surprising. Swatara is frozen over, Suskie is frozen over, but the stream that carries the effluent from a sewer plant is flowing strong!
does anyone know if the gunpowder is frozen over, was thinking of a trip down there on Sunday ?