What is the most non-flyfishing gift (or similar)you have ever gotten?



Well-known member
Apr 25, 2007
I am sure this will be fun for me to hear about all the Christmas/Birthday gifts you guys have gotten.

I wanted to know what- is the for lack of better words the most-"stupid" or in my case "non-flyfishing" flyfishing gift you have received. Mine is probably the rainbow colored "PowerBait" my brother got me last year. Poor guy has no idea about flyfishing. My brother I gotta love him.

Kinda, reminds me as I pop out of the woods and back on the trail on a famous creek or river and a bike rider or walker say "Are you fishing?"
A grotesque gold color plastic hook on a pedestal-40 some years ago but that taught me to never suggest to a wife ``get me something for fishing''.
From that point to now I have ordered my ``wants'' and let the lady wrap them.Also works best in my experience ,if you let the woman choose what she really wants and it's not Victoria's secret,unfortunately.
One of those singing bass w/ the santa hat on it.

Catfish coffee mug thermos. I flyfish and I don't drink coffe.--I use it to hold my markers for tying.
My sister-inlaw insists on getting me dumb gifts. One year it was fish slippers. So in return I bought my nephew a drum set. This year maybe horns?
Socks that look like rainbow trout. Man! I could have put them in the swap at the jam!
My mother got me a fish popper a few years ago. It was advertised on TV and is made by ron popeil i believe, the same guys who sells all those goofy kitchen gadgets.
It's a stubby little spincast rod that has a spring mechanism built into the handle that jerks the rod back when a fish bites, and sets the hook.
I tried to explain to her that it can't really be used flyfishing, but she didn't understand, and thought I was just being hardheaded.
I think it's still up in the attic somewhere
A sweatshirt with flies on it...and a walleye?

Three plano plastic lure boxes with candy in them that resembled bobbers, worms, insects, etc. From my kids in the secret santa sale at school.

They are coming around though...last year I got three little figurines of rainbow trout that are kind of nice...but I think someone needs to tell the women at the factory in China who paint them what a rainbow trout looks like.
I may be off the subject here, if "really bad anniversary gifts", aren't in the same category as "Christmas & birthdays'"!?
But, I no longer get stupid, and/or, weird and useless gifts for the various gift receiving occasions. Long ago, I put a stop to it by simply telling everyone concerned, "Please, DO NOT...... give me ANYTHING to do with fly fishing, or, fishing in general!"
Now, if my bride decides to give me a nice fly fishing gift for any gift giving reason, she knows to ask Bishop, my fishing partner of 30+ years, "What I may need or might love to have", since he knows my equipment and what I love or hate when it comes to gear.
Now, as to "weird, bad, strange, anniversary gifts".......................... On the evening of our twentieth wedding anniversary, while out for dinner and a little wine.........I handed my "then wife of twenty years" a nicely gift boxed and wrapped, diamond tennis bracelet. She'd wanted one for a very long time and I had finally sprung for one, because I knew she deserved it.
As I'd hoped, she loved the bracelet, even more than I'd hoped she would. After many "thanks yous" and "you shouldn't have"s. she reached into her purse and withdrawing it slowly, she handed ME a manila envelope, addressed to me, with her "new" divorce lawyer for the return address.
Her only words, were, "I'm sorry! Maybe I shouldn't be doing this, TONIGHT, but my attorney told me to give you these papers as soon as possible!"
She, then, rose from the table as she did so........told me she'd be at her best friend's house if I had any questions on any of the papers in the envelope. Yes, OF COURSE she took the bracelet with her!!
Dang! flybinder.

I think we have a winner! :-o
Come to think of it, I think I too have one of those singing bass. The powerbait still seems to be the worst gift~ for all it implies.
Flybinder, the first word that comes to mind is ...


Talk about cold hearted. That had to leave a mark.
For my birthday two years ago, my parents sent me a filet knife set. It had two knives, cutting board, safety glove, etc. I haven't kept a fish in fifteen years. It does come in handy de-boning chicken though.

Well, "OUCH" and "DANG", actually, ARE two words that came to mind, that night, along with a few others, that of course if I posted them, here, that'd be the end of my posting!
Unfortunately, for ME, when it came time for "property division", her attorney knew I fly fished and tied. (Small, rural towns, DO HAVE their disadvantages!). So, when "totaling up assets", my fly gear was also included, valued and I was forced to either "dispose of it, by selling it and giving her half the money", OR, "merely pay her, in cash, 1/2 it's estimated value".
I, love it, when some judge states..... "Just give her HALF it's estimated value!", like I've got so much cash floating around, during a divorce, that's an easy thing to do!?!!
So, I was forced to sell, my 21 year accumulation (at that time), of fly fishing gear, from rods to reels to necks to tweezers. Almost, all of which, was listed in detail on our home owner's policy too, so I couldn't even fudge, by selling it to friends than buying it back, after the divorce was final.
Of course, then too............... most of the thieves, cheats and liars, that I like to call "friends" would have.......right to the man, shrugged and told me "WHAT SAGE ROD, I GOT FROM YOU FOR $25.00?? I don't own, no Sage rod!"
So, to make a long story, longer............after 21 years of fly fishing and working my way up to Winstons, Sages, Thomas and Thomas, mounted with Hardys, Ables and Lamsons.................. I had to start from scratch all over again!
14 rods, 16 reels, who remembers, now, how many lines.... all went out the door! Even my Presentation vise, went south.
HER, "bracelet"?? She was allowed to keep it, and not add it to the overall total of our joint assets "because it had been a GIFT", thus not considered a "mutual-joint asset"
I asked for a thermarest for back packing. My EX girlfriend got me a van mattress. The kind you have to plug in.
For my birthday two years ago, my parents sent me a filet knife set. It had two knives, cutting board, safety glove, etc. I haven't kept a fish in fifteen years. It does come in handy de-boning chicken though.

I too got one of these filet knife sets from my Aunt last Christmas. I don't keep fish, but the sharpener gets use sharpening my knives. It also is a decent setup to take to camp in case you need a sharp knife for cooking.

That's enough to make a guy swear off of women for a long time.
Even though the trout can drive us crazy at times, they can't do anything near that hurtfull. Best of luck to you!