what is a switch rod



New member
Mar 6, 2007
Could anyone fill me in on what a switch rod is ?I just started hearing about it. Is it like a spey rod ? and how would one be set up thanks for any feed back. Frank.
Didja play AD&D as a kid? A switch rod is akin to a D&D bastard sword. :) I bet there's not enough nerds here to get that... (sigh)

A hand-and-a-halfer, capable of being used either as an awkward single hand rod, or an awkward two-handed rod (spey), but doing neither job as good as dedicated tool.

""but doing neither job as good as dedicated tool.""

Right on gfen.

I like switch rods. I have two of my own and have built a few for others. They do good work when built correctly. The biggest flaw is when the manufacturer makes the rear grip too long which prohibits an effective and comfortable one hand cast.
Some rod companies make the rear grips upto 5 inches which is great for a spey rod not so great for what a "switch rod" is intended for.
3 to 4 inches is good.
I built a 10' 8" Rainshadow 5wt switch and I enjoy fishing the rod. I don't have any Spey rod experience so I am still learning about two handed casting. As far as single hand casting I wouldn't call the rod awkward, maybe a little on the heavy side for a long day of casting. I'm glad that I built the rod and once I get better at two handed casting I'll enjoy the rod even more.
I have a 4/5 weight Beulah Switch Rod and a 7/8 weight TFO switch. I've been using the 4/5 a lot this year trying to get the hang of it, and I enjoy it a lot. I'm about to the point where its no more or less tiring to fish than my one handed rods, but I also end up casting it one handed a lot when I get frustrated.
The 7/8 weight rod has some definite advantages over my 10 foot 7 weight single handed rod. I stilld on't have the knack of really casting far, but being able to hold the rod with both hands takes a serious load off my shoulder and back. After a day of fishing with the 10 foot 7, especially nymphing, I was beat! The two hander helps that out.


Switch with a Dutch Reel:
