What goes down the Bore Hole?



Active member
Feb 18, 2010
OK guys I know some of you are pretty sharp, so maybe you can help me out here. On the farm next to my place they started a MS Well. (Devinney Unit, 585' from my water well) Started the pad in November, started Drilling Jan 21,2012, I believe. Quit Drill Feb 5, 2012 and have since removed everything, except for a Dozer, Sheep'sfoot, Two roller and Two articulating dumptrucks. There remains a single bore hole and a railing around it. That's it. Tankers, rolloffs everything else is gone.

Now there are suppose to be four wells each going in different direction approx. 13,000 long each. I don't know why they stopped, but they did. Here's where it gets interesting...

Today was pretty nice as March days go, so I'm doing stuff out side blah, blah, blah... So I eventually walk up behind my place and I here a humming. It was comming from the well pad so I go have a look. There is a residual waste truck discharging into the bore hole. WTF? I ran down to the house grabbed the camers and the binoculars and went back. Mr. First Class Energy from Kittanning PA wastes no time getting the hell out of there. I'll post a few pics tomorrow. After I call DEP.
wow...earthquakes are next!!! Save your self.

Seriously, that doesn't sound good.
keep us posted. I've read about old shallow wells that were permitted to recieve waste, or at least permit applied for.
most MS sites I've seen have all had 4 or 5 big tanks left, along with the well head and assorted plumbing. I've noticed some companies are starting to paint them green, which looks a hell of a lot better than the red or blue they usually are.
did they flare the well while they were there? you would have noticed the giant flame in your backyard!
Just wondering how you determined the truck was unloading. The humming you heard could possibly be a vaccum de-watering the well. Just a thought. I'd also be very interested to hear how DEP responds.
Biker, The well is not completed yet they just stopped.

Berks, When I first saw the truck, There was one hose going into the well, Two still wrapped around the tanker. I can't say for sure he was off-loading, but I do have my suspicions.


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Called DEP this AM and it seems Berks nailed it. There is a reportedly a catch basin than had accumulated rain water according to the person I spoke with. So it seems i may have been worried for nothing.... Nothing to see here folks, keep moving...

So being wrong can have an upside.
Good thread nevertheless. Thanks.
Even if there wasn't a problem, you were probably observed by the truck driver. And the DEP knows somebody was watching. Hopefully the word will get around to the drillers that they are being watched. That has to be helpful.
You definitely did the right thing. I just wonder why they're going through the trouble and expense of vaccing out and hauling away "rainwater."
Regardless of what happened yesterday, it is my intention to keep everyone here abreast of the process. I hope to provide as objective as possible, my observations. I remain hopeful that the wells can be drilled, fracked, and get the well heads secured and all reclaimation, without any negative effects of my water. More on this story, as it develops...
welcome to the what the hell am I drinking club !!!

keep taking pics when ever any tank truck shows up. don't trust the dep completly either..get down wind to see if you can smell anything too.