What flies to get



New member
Jul 10, 2012
I have only caught one trout in my life and that is when I was fishing for bass at Laurel lake .I have been fishing since in diapers and I am 43 now , It was a Brown trout caught it on a 4" cabin creek cotton candy lizard with a 2/0 hook Texas rigged.. Never fished bait except when younger and that was for bream .. like I said before I have fly fished but for bream and bass.. now I am making the move to trout and really am anxious to get out there have taken lesson .. now I got everything I need except flies which I don`t know if I will make it to Yellow Breeches outfitters this week to get some , or next .. was wondering what would be good for starting out (what patterns )? wet and dry ..
thank for the help

elk hair caddis
blue wing olive
parachute adams
griffiths gnat

bead head pheasant tail
hares ear

muddler minnow

I mostly fish drys, I'm sure someone else will be along to help with wet, nymphs, and streamers.
phiend's list is about right. I'd change the caddis style to a Wright Fluttering Caddis. I'd add an Adams to the list of dries. The nymphs are all right, though you could add a Muskrat nymph. I think the younger guys will add number of fancy nymphs. Perhaps a Woolly Bugger would fit into the streamer list.

If you're going to a fly shop, the clerks might be helpful for your specific area.
Nothing wrong with the answers so far but it really depends on where, when, and how you plan to fish. Can you elaborate?
You want some Royal Wulffs in a # 12.
The list that pheind recomended is a really good start. As rrt stated add a wolly bugger. I would just recomend getting those flies in a few different sizes. No need to get overwelmed with too many technicalities at this point just starting out. Those flies will catch fish.
Do a little research on when to use them, which is the key, ask a buddy or local shop for some help.
Come to the newbie jam on March 15. Lots of info for you there.
And it's free!

You're being set on the right track with the above patterns. Being new I think it's a bad idea to hit the stream this spring with too many patterns in your vest. GC has a good suggestion. Knowing where, & when you plan to fish will play a big part in getting the correct few patterns you'll need to got into fish. Local fly shop and the good people on here that are from the area you plan to fish will be a great help. Don't amass to many flies at first, believe me it will only make matters worse than having a few tried & true productive patterns on the stream you plan to fish.
Thanks all Planning on fishing the yellow breeches ,mountain creek big springs, letort , pretty much just around the Carlisle area for now ,I have a friend who owns a fly shop in VA that wants me to come down with him fishing this year and hopefully make it out to see my friends in Wyoming and south Dakota , next year but those areas I will just hit the local fly shops.. looking at flies gets overwhelming so many patterns
For where you'll do much of your fishing.....

#16-#18 caddis larva in tan & green

** same in elk hair or x-caddis dries

#18-#20 zebra midge. Body: red or grey

#14-#18 pheasant tail nymph

#14-#16 snowshoe sulphur emerger

#14-#18 sow bug, cress bug, scud or whatever you'd like to call it

#10-#6 buggers. Olive, black or brown.

#2-#6 sculpin

That should cover you for most situations and get you rolling.
Good suggestions so far. I'd add some kind of ant and beetle patterns....Foam ants and beetles work for me. Have caught a few in mid summer on Mountain Creek on ants.
Oh and how about a Green Weenie and San Juan Worm...They work at times
I would add the old trusty Walts worm in sizes 18-14, and the underused rs2 emerger... I would add another thumbs up to the green weenie (embarrassing fly that catches a lot of fish).
i would keep it easy at first.

it will take a while to get an idea of hatches are going on ,so some attractor patterns make sense.

dry fly fishing is a good beginner tactic as you can see the trout take the fly.that way you don't have to interpret a subtle take,or worry about varying your depth .

stimulators ,royal wulffs,royal coachman are good stimulator flies.elk hair caddis float well.

as you get better,you could try some wet fly fishing and nymphing.

coachmen(royal,leadwing or regular),prince nymphs,gold ribbed hares ears and partridge and orange are good stimulators.some of them can also pass for certain hatches.

you also might want to come to one of the jams,we'll give you an earful and show you a fly or two.

BTW,you live in a great fly fishing area!
I too keep it simple eit fist start with nymphs and watch how the hatch progresses. Kray's list will get you started on your way to catching fish.