What do you use for Magnification?



Active member
Dec 14, 2008
When you get to a certain age, connecting the leader to the fly, especially in failing light, becomes a challenge.

I bought the flip down magnifiers and put them on the brim of a baseball hat and have had no problems with it.

This year, I am thinking of getting a wider brim hat to keep the ticks off (hopefully), so the brim mounted magnifiers will not work.

Reading glasses the only option? Suggestions on what you use is appreciated.
I'm anxiously awaiting other's feedback on this one.
My glasses aren't cutting it anymore, and I find myself propping them on my head and holding things two inches in front of my nose.
I used readers until my overall sight made them inadequate. They have stick on magnifiers for your polarized sunglasses. A method I have not tried but looked interesting...I even have a pair of polarized readers I used.

just a tip...I find even the difference in light, between direct sunlight and shade, made a big difference in what I could see. Make sure you aren't trying to tie a know under your hat visor.

I should bring my stash of cheaters to the next jam for you up and coming geezers.
The best we can do is fight a delaying action against the ravages of time...:)

Here are some things that have helped me along the way:

1) You can get cheap ($2-5), high magnification (usually up to 4X) half-lens readers that you can buy several of so you won't mind losing them or scratching them up over the course of a season. Wally World is a decent source and (surprisingly..) you often find the most durable and higher mag models at some of the "Dollar"-type stores. I've sued these as is and I've also slipped them inside my prescription bifocals to get even more.

2) As Tom mentioned, light matters. But it isn't the same for everyone... I have as much trouble in bright sun as I do in heavy shade. Move around until you find your best light level.

3) If you tie (and particularly if you are a sloppy tier like me..), pay more attention to making sure you leave a clean eye unclogged by errant cement, thread or wisps of hackle.

4) For me anyway, it is much easier to manage small dry flies that are tied on straight eye hooks. Pretty much all my dries that are #16's or smaller are on these hooks. Then see #3...

5) The smallest size blue plastic floss threaders that come 80-100 to a package for a couple bucks work great on #14 and larger flies if you are having trouble in that range. Just thread your tippet through the loop in floss gizmo and then stick the post of the thing through the hook eye. Pull though. Viola! or Wha La! or however you want to spell it.. These things also work well to open up the vent holes in hearing aid ear molds so the devices don't feedback and whistle. But you didn't ask about that.. They also work well as bobbin threaders at the tying bench and will bake your $4 bobbins last a lot longer. But you didn't ask about that either...:)

That's all I know..
I use my prescription bi focal polarized sunglasses.
Basic readers seems like the logical solution although losing or fumbling for them is always a hassle.

I realize your preference of a wider brim has you feeling that a flip down magnifier will not work however, are you using Flip-Focals or Hat Eyes?

I ask because I use Hat Eyes that are far superior to Flip-Focals for lots of reasons, but in your case, another advantage is you can add additional extensions to Hat Eyes to lengthen the distance you can have the lens in relation to the front edge of your hat bill.

Essentially all you need is the correct length of flat stainless shim stock the same width as the Hat Eyes extension. Drill a couple of holes in each end, put in some 2-56 machine screws & Nyloc nuts and you are set.

Trust me it works because I’ve tweaked the heck out my Hat Eyes and added an extra contraption to add an adjustable LED light on top of my bill and I have a longer extension on the magnifier to give me more flexibility looking straight down into my Richardson Box.

You can also mount any flip down magnifier ANYWHERE on the actual hat brim if you want.

Instead of feeling that the only option is to clip it to the front of the hat brim consider mounting it anywhere you need it to be by drilling two small holes through the hat brim and through the magnifier bill clip and securing it to the hat with two 0-80 stainless machine screws, some washers & nuts.

I’ve done that too. All of this is easy to do and the necessary hardware is on eBay for a few bucks.

Good luck finding your solution!
I bought a pair of polarized glasses with magnifiers built in. They work great except when its getting dark and the glasses make it too dark to see. One thing with those glasses, you have to learn to look over top of the magnifiers when walking/wading.
I have been using Hat eyes for about 10years. I like the metal clip instead of the plastic the cheaper ones use. The lenses are glass as well. They don't scratch easily.
I have a back-up pair in the truck but have never had them drop off or come apart.
Never heard of Hat Eyes, but they may be a good choice.
Clics. http://www.clicmagneticglasses.com/
Letort wrote:
Never heard of Hat Eyes, but they may be a good choice.

If it is possible, find a pair to look at and what I am trying to describe will make more sense.

TCO in Boiling Springs may sell them or Bass Pro. I know Cabela's does.
I think the hat eyes are the flip downs you can’t use with the new brim. The dollar store has cheap readers. Rejects optically I found but usable for tying on a fly.
I simply ,awkwardly,switch back and forth between cheap readers and my regular glasses.

I am thinking of attaching a fly holder to a magnifying glass this season and keeping it on a zip.
+1 on the polarized glasses with the built in magnifiers. +1 to everything in the post! It took a little getting use to but once I did, they worked for me.

Before I went with Mag Eyes I had the polarized sunglasses with magnification in the bottom. Every time I was looking down to walk in the water I lost my depth perception. I fell a few times and scrapped them. You may not have that same issue but it drove me nutz.
I just use cheapo high power readers, but will look into some of these suggestions as well.
I bought these at TCO in Boiling Springs but see they are also available at Walmart. They are similar to the Flip Focal magnifier that attaches to the brim of your hat. However these attach with a clip-on mechanism to the frame of your eye glasses (guess you need to wear glasses) I had cataract surgery a year ago and now can't see close-up. I didn't want to wear a hat in the house to use the Flip Focal. They come with four different magnifications.
