What Are You Tying Today?

Some variations of Hares Ears for a new member…

I just saw this post and picture on Facebook by Steven Hankins related to quill bodied flies. Hankins lives in Oklahoma City and sells dyed turkey biots, and his recently acquired Rhode Island Red capes, among other fly tying items under the trade name “Magpie Materials”:

”A size 16 Red Quill Parachute, tied in AK’s style. Could’ve used more of an upturned tail, and I don’t believe AK dubs the thorax. AK writes to use red-ish brown hackle and tail for west of the Continental Divide, and blue dun hackle and tail east of the divide.
This tying, as demonstrated by Mr. Thomas E. Baltz uses feathers from the same cape for the tail, body, and hackle. Magpie Materials Rhode Island Red (RIR) capes are up to the task of tying those essential and venerable patterns. Of note, I have not soaked a quill in any of the latest couple dozen ties utilizing a Magpie Materials RIR stripped quill. If you’re needing to tie to match the hatch with an AK’s Red Quill Parachute, or if you’re interested in keeping Art Flick’s classic Red Quill alive, these capes will meet your needs at the vise.”


Personally, I’m a big fan of quill bodied flies, and far prefer them over biots. (IMO, the above picture is not one of the best tied flies, although It does illustrate, somewhat to a point, a quill body.)
So what are your initial thoughts on quill bodies? Worth it? Better than biots or other types???
The quills I used are dyed hackle quills from D's Flyes. The ones I posted are the first 2 I tied, and obviously I have a long way to go, but I found them surprisingly easy to work with. I followed the tying instructions from the book "A.K.'s Flybox". I used poly yarn for the parachute instead of turkey like A.K. does.

Haven't fished them yet so I can't comment on that part.

Extended Body Grannom Caddis

Balloon Caddis Variant

Hook - Curved or straight shank
Thread - Gray
Body and Thorax Cover - Grey closed cell foam
Wing - Deer hair
Thorax - Grey dubbing

From a Davie McPhail Video


Tag - Gold tinsel
Tail - Scarlet tuft
Body - Peacock herl
Hackle - Black or dark grizzly
Wing - Slate goose
Head - White ostrich herl

Waters (fabri-mouches.ca)