What are you thankful for in 2018? Happy Thanksgiving!



Nov 27, 2015

I am thankful for all the good ideas past and present. I search the site for past articles when fishing a new area. I also put out last minute requests for help and have always received great ideas. Fishing new areas or trying new techniques can be like finding a needle in the haystack. Thanks for all the help.

Happy Thanksgiving,
All my kids and grandchildren and Life in general. :-D
Happy Thanksgiving
Life given by God
I am extremely thankful that my torn rotator cuff healed as well as it did, especially being 61 years old! It's been a looong 9 months, but I'm looking forward to a great and productive 2019.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!
springer1 wrote:
Life given by God
Another big plus from me also.

A co-worker of mine was recently diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.
And died 3 months later, at age 55.

Really makes one realize just how fragile life can be
I am thankful for my life. I have had many, many, health issues since 1993 including cancer from which I am a survivor. Left hip replacement. Pinched sciatic nerve in both legs. Unable to walk without a cane. The list goes on and on. Yet at 75 years old I still find ways to negotiate the rivers I love to fish whether it is in my Hyde, renting a drift boat for my entire two week Montana trip, or limping down to a ramp on the Susky to launch the Lowe bass boat. God has given me a blessed life.
At 69, I am thankful for basically good health -- a few aches and pains and a health scare late this summer. But, I can still fish most of the places I did as a young guy (that haven't been posted), though I am admittedly slowing down significantly. I am thankful that many of the places I fished when young are still open to fishing -- and that some landowners who have had to post their properties because of ill behavior by slobs have generously allowed me to continue fishing on their properties.

Mainly, I'm thankful for a loyal wife and for a son who checks up on me nearly every day.