What are the odds?



Active member
Apr 23, 2013
Tonight I was fishing in a spot I fish often. I've caught enough stocked browns and bows there and what I thought were stocked brookies. I've also seen a few wild browns. Well tonight a smaller fish took a dry. In the hole just below I sent a chub fingerling flying so I was careful to not set too hard but immediately thought it was going to be another tiny chub. I got it in my hand and realized it was a beautiful healthy little native brookie. It was a very nice surprise after initially being sort of disappointed expecting a chub.

I'm guessing the odds are about 60 to 1 since that is probably how many times I've fished at this spot and have never seen one there before.
If they are stocking brookies, it is possible it's a wild brookie too. Definitely a nice treat for you!