we've gone back in time!



Well-known member
May 29, 2009
jeez, I thought the week was done and I'd get to fish today, but I log on and find out its still mid-week!
guess we're having some issues again. no biggie.
I couldn't even sign on last night ( Friday) Thought I might have been banned or something!
Not sure what happened, but we are back up and we are at this version of the back up. We are going to have to move on with what we have.
1:36 PM, looks like we can set our profile back to Eastern Standard Time.
Nice to see the site back.
I was in the middle of a post yesterday afternoon, when suddenly I couldn't type anything more. And my computer started making a weird noise when I tried.
Thought maybe it was a problem with my computer.

Still missing the latest threads though?
Dave, as I understand your post, what is appearing now is the backup that was restored, and the posts occuring since that backup are no longer available, correct? What you see is what you get?
Welcome back...just got back up myself...thanks for the effort guys.
kind of a bummer to lose those posts, I can't remember what we were arguing about!LOL
Most certainly a bummer. Looking at making sure it does not happen again. I look at this way everyone gets a redo on the posts they did over the past few days. Who says you don't get a second chance in life!
I thought for sure I was banned.....oh well I guesss I'll have to try harder!
I also was wondering what i said and who i said it to , must have offended someone. I think i can point out something that might be a positive thing , we now live in a time where almost everyone is a little more tolerant and respectful of the other folks feelings , it's obvious to me from the number of us who thought we might have been banished for something we said. Being careful and kind enough to try and not offend others is a good thing no? No matter what this place is DA Bomb , thanks again DKile.
I made all my best arguments during the time warp period and now I don't have the energy or recollection to recreate them. Damn!
I don't know the Xoops system per se, but have worked with other web content management frameworks. If you need help trying to script an automated backup or anything on the system side of things, I'll be glad to offer whatever assistance I may be able to provide.