West Branch

I was up the first weekend in June with my wife at west branch anglers resort.
The fishing on the west branch was good using small #20-22 flashback pheasant tails and tan caddis later in the day. Oddly enough l didn't see any heavy hatches. If your a nymph guy you know to keep your fly close to the bottom and slack free as possible because you cannot feel the fish pick it up. I use a fureled nymph leader with a bright indicator section and it works well. Just remember to stay deep.
The latest reports that I have been reading/hearing say that bugs are quite sparse right now. No big hatches are occurring and everyone is waiting for Sulphur season to kick into gear.

If you are a dry fly guy, be patient, carry a good variety of flies, and don’t be afraid to explore.

Sorry….can’t help with Nymphing advice…don’t do that up there.
I fished there over the weekend.

Spent all day Friday at the methodist camp pool.
There were a fair amount of olives and sulphers on throughout the afternoon and evening.
And I did OK - a few large ones and a few small ones

Less bugs on the water Saturday and Sunday, and things were pretty tough.
Went to the upper gameland pool for a bit Saturday afternoon, until the wind started blowing hard.
Then moved back downstream again

Sunday evening when the rain started, a thick fog blanketed the water.
And that was all she wrote.
Started for home around 7pm