West Branch Octoraro



New member
Apr 12, 2015
Hi All,

As a new member, I just wanted to stop by and say hi and to share my first trout on a fly rod. A guy at work was telling me about the stream and how it's a nice place for FF'ing and how he couldn't catch anything while he was out. So over this past weekend I decided to give it a shot (considering I still have no idea where to park for Donegal Creek which is 2 miles from my house).
I parked at the little pull off on State Rd. and there was only one other vehicle there (never saw the owner) and I fished from the bridge down to the first flat in the meadows. No real luck, but did have a decent bite and fight on a stonefly larvae. Fish spit the hook and I decided the amount of sunburn on my arms was enough to make me pack it in for the day.
I came back Sunday morning to a more crowded stream, Deleware and Maryland plates and a few PA. I walked down to where I had fished the day before, but it was occupied so I decided to venture further downstream where I ran into a nice gentleman who gave me a heads up about where he came from and the activity. I proceeded there and fished for about an hour with no luck. I walked upstream to the 'bend' in the stream where a nice tree overhangs the stream in a decent pool. The tree and I became close friends over the next hour as I fished flies from its grasp. I ended up fishing the stonefly again and this time it connected with a hungry mouth. After a little photo shoot, I fished the area some more with a small wooly bugger and a blue wing olive with no luck, even though the fish were rising under the tree where my line could not venture.
So all in all, for my first stream outing I am pretty happy. The area is really great for scenery and the amount of birds in the area. All day it was singing from many different species, especially Orioles and what sounded like a Towhee.
Thanks for a great site, and a pleasure to meet you all.


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Congratulations on your first trout on the fly!
Good job on the report of your first trout on a fly.I'm sure there will many more to come. Welcome to the site, too.
I, too, am brand new to fly fishing, and I, too. fished the stretch near the State Road pull off yesterday. The stream was busier than I expected, especially as it was all but empty opening day.

I came up empty, but I did see one fairly small brown. Love that stream. Glad you had luck!
Welcome to PAFF. I too caught my first trout on a fly in the West Branch of the Octoraro. That was over 35 years ago. I spent a lot of time in my high school years learning the basics of flyfishing on the West Branch. It is a neat section of creek. It's a shame it gets so warm in the summer. Try to get as much time as you can on it in the next 5 or 6 weeks. Once June rolls around water temps will soar well above 70 degrees in the special regs section. With the exception of several notable sulphur spinner falls over those years I can safely say that the majority of the trout I caught in the Octoraro were taken bouncing nymphs on the bottom. Good luck.
DanielK wrote:
I, too, am brand new to fly fishing, and I, too. fished the stretch near the State Road pull off yesterday. The stream was busier than I expected, especially as it was all but empty opening day.

I came up empty, but I did see one fairly small brown. Love that stream. Glad you had luck!

Hey Daniel,
Think I talked to you on my way out on Sunday. Not sure if it was you or not... Either way, glad you had a good time on the stream and hope your next outing is more fruitful!
Yes, that was me. Good to connect with you online.