We're Carboholics. Make Us Stop!!!!!



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Sep 9, 2006
We're Carboholics. Make Us Stop.
The Washington Post Op Ed
By David Crane
Sunday, October 14, 2007
I am a carboholic. As Americans, we are all carboholics, but I am more so than most. The company I run, NRG Energy, emits more than 64 million tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere each year -- more than the total man-made greenhouse gas emissions of Norway. And we are only the 10th-largest American power generation company. Imagine the CO2emissions of Nos. 1 through 9.
Why do we do it? Why does America's power industry emit such a stunning amount of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere in this age of climate change? We do so because CO2emissions are free. And in a world where CO2has no price, removing CO2before or after the combustion process is vastly more expensive and problematic than just venting it into the atmosphere.
Congress needs to act now to change our ways. Lawmakers should regulate CO2and other greenhouse gas emissions by introducing a federal cap-and-trade system, which would put a cap and a market price on CO2emissions. If Congress acts now, the power industry will respond. We will do what America does best; we will react to CO2price signals by innovating and commercializing technologies that avoid, prevent and remove CO2from the atmosphere. I emphasize the word "now." We are not running out of time; we have run out of time. Decisions we make today in the U.S. power industry will have a significant impact on the size of the problem we bequeath to our children.
Without a price on CO2, our industry will build a veritable tidal wave of traditional coal-fired power-generation facilities. Traditional coal plants are, and will be for some time to come, the least expensive and most reliable way to generate electricity on a large scale in the United States, China, India and much of the rest of the world -- that is, so long as the CO2emissions associated with burning coal in these countries remain free. We absolutely need to use coal for power-generation purposes. We probably even need to build a few more traditional coal plants in fast-growing parts of the country where there is no practical alternative. But we need to move as quickly as possible toward implementing the low-emissions ways of combusting coal that are under development or, in the case of "coal gasification" technology, are ready for commercial deployment.
A federal cap-and-trade system would push the power and coal industries toward deployment of CO2capture and sequestration technology, which is essential to reducing our domestic emissions and, ultimately, to weaning China and the rest of the fast-growing (and emitting) developing world off traditional coal technology. Effective incentives for these new technologies could easily and readily be included in a cap-and-trade regimen. Lawmakers need to provide both the carrot and the stick to get the CO2out of coal.
Energy legislation under consideration in Congress focuses almost exclusively on renewables and conservation; both are worthy initiatives that deserve our support. But in a world where a CO2-emitting traditional coal plant is built every week, renewables and conservation are a sideshow at best.
The vast amount of CO2being emitted worldwide by coal-fired power plants is the heart of the global warming issue. Progress against those emissions depends on three critical initiatives: replacing traditional coal with "clean coal" plants, displacing additional traditional coal plants with new zero-carbon-emissions nuclear plants and implementing a federal cap-and-trade system on greenhouse gases.
Global warming should be at the top of Congress's agenda -- because action by this Congress will turn the tide of climate change around the world. Never before have we faced the prospect of fundamentally damaging our global ecosystem by the day-to-day activities of each and every one of us. A cap-and-trade system is the place to start. America must act now to protect our future.
David Crane is chief executive of Princeton, N.J.-based NRG Energy Inc., a wholesale power generator. NRG, which owns power plants capable of serving 19 million households, recently filed for a license to build two nuclear reactors in South Texas.
Oh, I thought it was gonna be about all the pasta I ate last night.

I saw something in our paper the other day that siad we would see no significant decline in gas usage until the price hits 4.25. Personally, I'm not looking forward to that. BTW, I did not read the piece you posted. Op Ed pieces are just that Opinions...and not worth the ink they are printed with.
What is your Congressman doing Tom ???????


I wanted to write to invite you to an exciting opportunity to talk with your
Congressman, Joe Sestak, at a town hall meeting to discuss energy policy.
The meeting will be held at 3pm on Sunday November 18th in the Small
Auditorium of the Academic Building of Delaware County Community College in

With Congress poised to hold a vote on energy policy of historic
proportions, Congressman Joe Sestak and PennEnvironment are holding an
Energy Town Hall Meeting to inform voters about these important issues and
bring constituents up to speed on this groundbreaking opportunity to pass
comprehensive energy policies in Congress.

Right now, Congress is on the verge of taking America towards a New Energy
Future by raising fuel efficiency standards for vehicles to 35 mpg and
establishing a national renewable electricity standard that will ensure 15
percent of our energy comes from clean sources such as wind and solar by
2015. Combined, these policies would save Pennsylvanians more than $1
billion on electricity, save 1.2 million barrels of oil a day by 2020, and
significantly reduce global warming pollution.

We need to show the congressman that his constituents want to see him stand
strong and make sure that Congress passes powerful legislation that will
move us boldly into a new energy future. To do that, we need you to take
advantage of this opportunity to have your voice heard loud and clear by
attending the town hall meeting next weekend.

New Energy Future Town Hall Meeting

November 18th, 3 PM

Delaware County Community College
Academic Building, Small Auditorium
910 S. Media Line Road
Media, PA 19063
Water vapor is an even larger contributor to global warming. I think we should ban that too.

Tom, I am willing to trade you our Congressman Murphy for yours.