Well my day was made



Active member
Mar 29, 2010
I went to go scout for turkey this morning but as soon as I walked up the mountain I got a text from my wife that the twins were crabby. So I turned around to go help momma. Of course when I get there they are all sleeping like babies. It is not too light to risk spooking the gobblers, so I decided to go fish for a little bit.

I live right near the Little Conemaugh. I have posted about this stream in the past. It used to have raw sewage, and laundry water and such draining right into the stream. I hit up a few of the easy access holes with no waders and such.

I caught a hold over brookie about 9-10" on my first cast at my first stop. He was really dark, and had a bright red belly. I thought this was pretty cool as well because in that hole over the last week I have caught hold over, rainbow, brown, brook, and golden.

I worked my way upstream and only had about a half hour before I had to hit the bricks and go to work.

I stopped at a nice riffle with a rock cliff face on the far side. My first cast in this hole and my indicator sunk. I set the hook and nearly lifted the fish right out of the water.

I thought it was a chub but was ecstatic to see it was IMO a wild brownie. There is no fingerling stocking on this stream. I kept him in the water and snagged a quick picture of him. This really made my day as it was the first time I caught a wild trout above the confluence of Benscreek and the Little Conemaugh. I believe that the fish are reproducing in this once desolate stream. I have caught quite a few wild browns and native brooks at the intersection but figured they just came down from Bens creek.

After a few more casts my indicator took off an I had a nice fight on my hands. I brought the fish to hand and feel it is a hold over brown. Now I am no expert on this but think he is one of those borderline fish, but IMO he is a hold over. His fins and such were perfect but again the last stocking of this stream was last may.

I really love seeing trout naturally reproducing and feel that the LC will continue to do so. The new sewage systems that have been put in have really made the stream take off.

What a way to start the day, and never would I have thought a small 4-5" trout would make my day so much.


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There has been extensive work done on benscreek to eliminate the mine acid issues. Would'nt suprse me at all if the brownie was wild.
THis benscreek may not be the one you are thinking of. This is outside of the town of Portage
A day to remember.
Checked Portage on map - you're correct!! Sorry!!
no big deal man it is a common misconception. The state stocks the lower end of Benscreek in Portage and the upper end is Class A. I am lucky where I live because I am within walking distance to all of these streams. Makes it nice when you have twin new borns and a 2.5 year old to still get out and fish.
A lot of work in tat drainage was done by T.U. both visible and behind the scenes.
I wasn't aware they did anything so far on the upper section I am referring to. I contacted the mountain laural chapter to let them know there are wild trout in that section and try and touch base with them on where they are on that particular section and if they have ever done any work to it.
I'm pretty sure that where the 3 local chapters were doing a bunch of work.
This work was done on the south fork of the little conemaugh river near beaverdale from what my research shows. I am referencing the Little conemaugh itself and its head waters. THis would be above the Hughes borehole.
I agree with your consensus. It's good to see some wild reproduction down there. Second fish is most likely a hold over like you mentioned. First fish is a bit small for a stockie and coloring looks wild albeit a bit dark.

I also am pretty sure that it is not the location of the TU stuff.

It's always possible that it was out of somewhere else, bens, kane etc and moved there. But by the small size I doubt it has moved much from where it originated. Might have to do some more investigating, I never get down into the N fork though.

Good find and thanks for posting!
Hey, didn't I see this post on another forum somewhere TurkeyMike? Lol