Well how was everyone's Pan Jam?



Jun 3, 2019
Between the weather and a last minute cancellation from a friend I decided to make the most and try and fish Penn's two days in a row which I rarely do. I'm really glad I did because I had my best two days at Penn's ever including my biggest Penn's fish taped at 19. Not only was the fishing good but I made so many good friends and got some phone numbers for some good contacts around town, it was nice meeting another Pittsburgher that makes the run to Central PA as much as I do. I also rounded the bend above "Rainbow Riffle" early Sunday morning and there was a couple around my age having a beer. I asked beer o' clock already and they offered one! I had a wonderful time chatting with them and sharing a drink and I truly hope to see them again and it reaffirmed my idea that anytime on the river is a good time for a beer. Also I need to bring more beer.

I tried to give flies to basically anyone that would hold a conversation with me and got some pretty cool stuff in return. I learned a bunch from people and saw tons of wildlife as usual up there. This was also the first night camping where I didn't wake up more than twice so it's nice the nighttime temps are rising. Big time bummer that we all couldn't hang out as I was extremely excited to meet all you but there's always next year or even a warmwater or fall event in the meantime. I hope everyone else had a good time doing whatever it was they did and maybe even found some fish!

Also Bruno sorry I didn't make it up to Seven Mountains, I ended up spending about every minute possible fishing. We're for sure going to have to fish soon, a buddy pointed me to the Yough so maybe link up down your way.
