Watkins Glen, NY?



Active member
Apr 23, 2013
I'm going to race track at the end of this month for a few days. The event I'm going to will have a lot of downtown, especially in the morning and afternoons. I've looked on Google Maps some and see some creeks in the area. Fishing seems like a perfect way to occupy some time while I'm sitting around waiting. It actually looks like there are couple on the track's property, but I don't know if those areas will be open/accessible while I'm there. I've never fished in the area at all and really have no idea if any of them even hold fish, but I'd think there has to be somewhere to wet a line in the area.

Does anyone have any experience fishing within a half hour or so of the track? Primarily I'd like to catch trout. Smallmouth wouldn't upset me too much either. A stream with both would be awesome. I know there are a lot of lakes around there, but I'd rather avoid them for water that flows.

Thanks for any information you may be able to offer!
The stream that makes up the famous waterfall at the bottom of the hill from the track (just entering the town) has brook trout in it.

You cross a few streams if you head towards Romulus.
most streams are very low and no fish that run into Watkins right now, during spring they get a run of big bows and in fall browns, landlocks and lakers depending on rain. Lake is best now for bass and pike.
here is a map of public fishing in the area: http://www.dec.ny.gov/docs/fish_marine_pdf/pfrcathrneck.pdf
most streams are private in Watkins area.

this one is for yates county (just north of Watkins)

I fish that area all the time. going up in Sept. for the fall runs again this year.
phiendWMD wrote:
I'm going to race track at the end of this month for a few days. The event I'm going to will have a lot of downtown, especially in the morning and afternoons.

If its the same event I'm going to there in a few weeks, 3 sets Saturday will pretty much mean a lazy day Sunday.
fly_flinger wrote:
phiendWMD wrote:
I'm going to race track at the end of this month for a few days. The event I'm going to will have a lot of downtown, especially in the morning and afternoons.

If its the same event I'm going to there in a few weeks, 3 sets Saturday will pretty much mean a lazy day Sunday.

I wouldn't miss the 4th set late Saturday night if I were you... Just saying... I'd DEFINITELY be around the Ball Square (or whatever they call it) around 1am or so.

I might arrive Thursday afternoon and have a few hours to play with. Friday morning/afternoon will be mostly open too.
I wouldn't miss the 4th set late Saturday night if I were you... Just saying... I'd DEFINITELY be around the Ball Square (or whatever they call it) around 1am or so.

I'll be there!