Warmwater evening


Sep 9, 2009
Finally made it out on the warm water creek the night before last. Only fished for about an hour, but the action was non stop. A nice 10" smallmouth (they don't get much bigger in this creek) and a 7" red breasted sunfish wre the highlights. On the ride home, I counted and realized I caught 6 different species - smallmouth bass, red breasted sunfish, bluegill, rock bass, creek chub and fall fish. Some of the fall fish were pushing 9 or 10 inches, and I don't mind catching those at all.

Some interesting points:

-one of the rock bass had a piece of monofilament hanging out of his you know what, with a small piece of a rusted out hook. Can't imagine passing that!

-I think the bigger smallmouth I caught was the same fish I caught last week. I don't have any pictures, so I will have to look for distinctive markings I guess. Caught it in almost the exact same spot.

-The sunfish had fresh hook wounds on his mouth, so cheers to whoever caught it before I did and released it. They don't get much bigger than that in this creek.

-Most fish caught on poppers, however when the surface action died, I tied on a size 12 prince nymph and continued to catch fish.
Great report Steve. I love that WW variety too. And yes, I like to catch Fallfish too...it's ok to admit it!
The big fallfish in the Swattie fight better than trout by a long shot!
Fishidiot wrote:
Sounds like summer is here!


Indeed...there is a bigger stream close - but still "small" by most standards - where the smallies get up to around 14". Taking those on a 3 weight with poppers is the definition of a good time!
salvelinusfontinalis wrote:
The big fallfish in the Swattie fight better than trout by a long shot!

You said it! Caught a 15 incher in April that had broken somebody off of like 10 lb test...granted it was probably just a junky knot given that it was right at the swivel. Was still carrying around the snelled hook attached to the swivel and the huge sinker attached to the swivel too.

The hook was barbed and I really struggled to get it out...I probably had the fish out of the water for 60 seconds after a good 90 second fight on a 4wt too. When I put the fish back in the water it proceeded to bolt away like nothing was wrong. They're very tough fish...very underrated.
You said it! Caught a 15 incher in April that had broken somebody off of like 10 lb test...granted it was probably just a junky knot given that it was right at the swivel. Was still carrying around the snelled hook attached to the swivel and the huge sinker attached to the swivel too.

The hook was barbed and I really struggled to get it out...I probably had the fish out of the water for 60 seconds after a good 90 second fight on a 4wt too. When I put the fish back in the water it proceeded to bolt away like nothing was wrong. They're very tough fish...very underrated.
I agree. And you catching that fish was the best thing that happened to it this year !