


Well-known member
May 9, 2011
Yesterday my brother and I decided to fish a localish river for some walleye and maybe a bonus pike or something. We mostly fished with spinning gear and had luck but overall the action was slow but consistant. The low water and plentiful sunshine probably didn't help.

Anyways the action slowed on spinning gear and I decided to get the fly rod out and give it a wirl before heading home. I'm glad I did! Within the first 10 minutes of fly fishing I landed this nice walleye on a black conehead bugger. About a half an hour after that I landed another which was a tad bit smaller. I've caught a handful of 'eyes in the past on the fly rod, but the two I caught yesterday were definitely my biggest on the fly and up there with my biggest on spinning gear. Even though I was using an 8wt both fish put up a great fight. Good way to end the day!!

This time of year is a good time to target walleyes as they are often easy to find stacked up at low head dams. They love a small, dark colored streamer stripped slowly just off the bottom.
Congrats, bet it was pretty cool catching walleyes with fly gear. Man they're good eating.
I definitely had a blast catching them, they aren't the best fighters compared to other fish, but everything fights great on the fly rod. And too bad they weren't in season, wouldn't mind keeping one for dinner.

This time of year is a good time to target walleyes as they are often easy to find stacked up at low head dams. They love a small, dark colored streamer stripped slowly just off the bottom.

This entire post couldn't be more true ;-)
Nice! I never thought about targeting walleye with a fly rod.
The only guy i knew who could consistently catch walleye on a fly rod was Bob Clouser Sr. and Bob i won't tell where.
There's one place where I catch them consistantly(a small outflow of a lake), but most of them are dinks such as this one.


There's a few other places, including the place where I got the one in the original post, where I tend to catch them semi-consistantly on spinning gear(and a couple on the fly before) but I really want to target them on the fly more. Time of year plays a roll also though.