Walker Lake Troxelville, PA



Well-known member
Sep 9, 2006
Dear Board,

I am looking for some different water to fish and was wondering if anyone here fishes Walker Lake and if they have any information to spare.

For now I would be happy to get an idea of the condition of the boat ramp. I'm looking to launch a 16 ft V-hull boat and would like to know if it is a decent ramp with enough grade to get the boat to float off the trailer or if I should be prepared to push and shove to get the boat into and out of the water?

If you have any fishing tips to share you can send a PM if you don't want to post them on the message board. I'm just looking for a place to do some panfishing and maybe catch a bass or a pickerel or whatnot.


Tim Murphy :)
Hey Tim,

Here is a link to the FBC site for Walker Lake.


There is a Google map provided. If you click on the map with a satellite view, the ramp is surfaced and looks like launching your boat would be no problem. That's all I got! Good luck.
Tim - I bank fished it with spin and casting gear in college a few times...10 years ago now. I generally struggled on it, and did much better on nearby Faylor Lake. Faylor was very weedy and made better Bass habitat as I recall. Walker was more scenic and would likely be more fun to explore with a boat though. Faylor may be no motors of any kind actually.
Dear Afish and Swattie,

It looks like it will be a decent place to launch a boat and based on the fact that it is in Snyder County and there are virtually no reports on it I might find that it doesn't get much traffic and may actually be a nice place to fish.

I'm mostly looking for a different place to fish because the girlfriend and I are getting a little bored with Memorial Lake. It gets a LOT of traffic on the weekends and that is when we will have time to go fishing.

I may also check out Faylor Lake in the float tubes but I'll have to buy another launch permit. I got checked when I was out in my float tube at Memorial Lake and I found out from the Ranger and had it confirmed by the Fish Commission that you need a stinking launch permit for float tubes and inflatables even if you don't use the launch.

How many taxes can they come up with?


Tim Murphy :)

Give Walker a go. It is a good lake with some decent Walleye and Pike roaming its waters. The bass fishing is fair and panfish fishing is not too bad either. This lake has had some problems with fish-kills at various times and for varous reasons. Kind of disappointing. In the end of the lake where the stream feeds you should be able to locate bass and pike.
Dear jifigz,

Thank you for the information. The girlfriend and I will hopefully take a run up to Walker tomorrow.

I say hopefully because right now we are getting ready to head to Memorial Lake where I am going to attempt to get her to catch a fish on a fly rod.

It's cool and overcast and there isn't any wind so with any kind of luck I can coach her into throwing 30 or so feet of line and a sunnie or two will take pity on her and eat one of the sponge bugs she will be throwing.

I say that with caution though, I'll bet I'll watch her catch a musky on a sunnie she hooked on sponge bug.


Tim Murphy :)
No problemo and good luck. And yes, it has been a while since I've been to Walker, but the boat launch should be fine for you.
Walker is loaded with crappie! I believe biologists have studied the lake to try to figure out why there are so many crappie in the lake. I fish it every May-June and between 2-3 people on a boat it's not uncommon to catch 100 crappie. Granted I do this by trolling, but I'd love to go there and cast a fly along the far shore for those crappie. I think it'd be just as successful.