Wading staff



Jun 9, 2007
If your like me you love to be right. So, go ahead and gloat. Two years ago I asked about staffs. Everyone told me the obvious. FOLDSTAFF. I bought a cheapo. Let me down big time at Buckingham Two weeks ago. I now own the FOLDSTAFF it’ll outlive me so my wife will post it in swap and sell someday. To be clear, I didn’t question your advice....I just ignored it.
Maybe you're referencing something that I've never heard of, but I'm assuming that you are talking about a Folstaf wading staff. So, if you love to be right, you can start with getting the company's name right that makes it. Lol
I don't like to be right.

It raises the expectations and stakes too much for the next thing that comes along. I'm more comfortable in the area some folks call: "close, but not quite" or "right string, wrong yoyo".

You get most of the benefits and satisfaction of being right without all the performance anxiety...
I made a mistake once. I thought I made a mistake.....I was wrong :)
For what it's worth I couldn't stand the folstaf, jammed so bad it wouldn't close up. Took it back to bean(they couldn't close it either), got an orvis one, that was 7 years ago, never looked back. The design of the simms and orvis are far superior, they will never jam.
Everybody loved the piece of junk two years ago when I asked. If it jams or is it jambs I’ll take it back. Its not rocket science.
JohnPowers wrote:
If it jams or is it jambs I’ll take it back. Its not rocket science.

Folstaf recommends waxing the joints. They say so in the instructions and used to even furnish a small piece of wax with the staff. If yours jams, blame yourself if you don't wax it.

I do the waxing periodically and never had a problem that tapping it on the ground wouldn't solve and I've been a Folstaf owner since the 1980's.
My son and I use hiking staffs I bought about 8-10 years ago at K-Mart on sale for about $14. Never failed us. And they have had constant use hiking to and from streams along with stream use.
Hiking Staffs #1. GG
Can’t get your Folstaff apart? Simple solution, give it a rap against your tire. Don’t miss!
Ok so i gotta ask, what happened at buckingham two weeks ago?
Nothing like a cheap collapse-able hiking staff collapsing as you start slipping and go full body weight on it in high, fast current.

Buckingham, routine slip but the cheap staff was in two pieces. No biggie.
Glad to hear it wasnt worse and you werent injured John!
I use a wading staff more and more these days. I hate the idea of paying for a stick. I've been using a stick I found on the river for a few years now, works great and the price was right.